Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [prep] how [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The public welcome the way we are treating teachers as a professional body by taking the advice of the independent review body , and we look forward to Graham Day and his colleagues producing the kind of advice that we require about how our teachers should be rewarded .
2 You ca n't explain it with the funny little rules that we have for how your potential and different things vary in your circuit .
3 ‘ You mean that you can believe or not believe , that there 's a positive and negative side to everything , that it depends on how you look at it , that you can honour and accept or despise and reject .
4 ‘ The thing about directing is that it depends on how you read a play .
5 Ninety percent of them said yes , that it depends on how you present the figures , so in actual fact I wonder how our tenant farmers all of a sudden find themselves in a position that they perhaps would rather sign a petition and not put their heads above the parapet bearing in mind you are in a community , bear in mind you are connected , bear in mind that your livelihood is with those others and I have to say it is true that a certain business in my area connected with farming has been threatened .
6 When Bill and Kevin and I looked at how we could cope with appraisal in our division , the numbers did n't work out as badly at least as I thought they were going to originally .
7 The shelves are full of wonderful food at this time of year and I thought of how I could binge and throw up all day long .
8 How deep such bonds could go is suggested by a Sussex carter 's grandson who had been ‘ very happy ’ as a child brought up by his grandparents , ‘ much attached ’ to them , and who writes of how he later found a house for his ageing grandmother close to his own and nursed her through her last illness : ‘ no mother could have been more kind . ’
9 Like if you thought about how you walk — you know , moving your legs and all that — it 's real hard .
10 Not if you look at how we have played .
11 If you knows like how my big cock , my Dad 's cock 's like this .
12 But it seemed as how you could become a troopie .
13 The social world must be seen through the actors ' eyes because it depends on how they see it and it works in whatever way social capacities are exercised .
14 It usually works , but I ca n't guarantee it will work on your machine because it depends on how your PC is set up .
15 Just before I deal with how you get in just tell the jury what is your a approach in terms of the timing of the events .
16 She was already by his side before she thought of how her face and hair must look .
17 But when I think about how I feel for you , it turns me into a Hercules and I feel I can conquer the world . ’
18 ‘ It upsets me when I think of how they think . ’
19 yes but I think when you look at how it 's structured and whether it 's modular structure and its content it 's got to be written that it will be United Kingdom exportable not merely
20 Notebooks in hand , they listened beside her hospital bed as she told of how her attacker stripped her , tied her hands behind her back , and turned her into a human rag doll by dumping her in a city rubbish skip .
21 We can begin to understand this vital principle when we reflect on how we have been emotionally wounded in the past .
22 And there was nothing apocryphal about what her undutiful son was to say , half a century later , in his book Basilikon Doron , when he wrote of how his grandfather had been punished by God for his immorality , for his infant sons had predeceased him , and he died ‘ leaving a double curse behind him to the land , both a Woman of sex , and a new borne babe of age to reign over them ’ .
23 He dominated the conversation , holding the Hackett and Townshend women spellbound as he told of how he had broken up a white-slave ring in Dublin , and how he had rescued an innocent young girl from a fate worse than death .
24 He choked back the tears and shook as he told of how he 'd been driving along the road when steam started coming out of the bonnet .
25 Whilst recalling his early hardships Chaplin also provided a clue as to how he had overcome them for he spoke of how he had ‘ slaved like a nigger to master the difficult steps that formed the routine of the eight Lancashire lads ’ .
26 Troy did , however , use one phrase that went a long way to describe the film 's great success , for he spoke of how it illustrated that ‘ an honest documentation of familiar American actualities becomes in a Hollywood film more absorbing than intrigue in Monte Carlo or pig-sticking in Bengal ’ .
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