Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [adv] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A feature of such stories is their selectivity , for they omit to mention the number of part-time reserve police who are unemployed or in low-status employment , or who sign up for mercenary reasons or for the power and respect that they believe accompanies the uniform .
2 We found a neat village south of Peterlee called Elwick , complete with tree-decked , green , Tabatha Twitchet shop and two super pubs , where we lived uneasily for three years .
3 In the event I was shown into a small room with Her Majesty , where we sat together for some twenty minutes chatting amiably about almost anything under the sun .
4 Charles reappeared , after half an hour 's absence , and threw himself into an armchair , where he lay back for some time with his eyes shut .
5 Or he stood in for one or other of the teachers , notably Miss Gilberd when she wanted to ‘ pop home ’ , or Mr McWhirter when he failed altogether to arrive .
6 That I lived here for many years as a child , that — "
7 ‘ It was so late when we finished yesterday that I queued up for 20 minutes for a takeaway hamburger , ’ he said .
8 Now that is the size of vans that I use now for light removals .
9 There 's nothing that I want though for spare , cos I 've probably got it
10 Not that I am old or likely to fall , not that I have ever for one moment been unsteady on my feet .
11 There 's , to be clear about it , that it 's completely confidential , that their looking only for particular words that are used in different parts of the country and in different locations .
12 They 'd been friends , companions , they 'd got on well together , but , now that she knew what real love was , she knew that she had never for one moment loved him .
13 Berkeley denies that we go in for such calculations in judging distances .
14 That we look not for detailed application of single techniques in a piecemeal fashion , but rather that we look for the general developments from which we can build school specific approaches which translate the experience into usable school practice .
15 We live in a house of treasure but some disease of the eyes has blinded us so that we search always for vulgar and expensive toys .
16 It is important that we pray regularly for those who have the responsibility of directing the technical aspects of the project — Rodney Beaumont , Douglas Fergus , John Hilditch , Don McLean & Ronnie Martin .
17 The driver 's home was en route so we stopped off for mint tea there .
18 Instead Garvey looked a jaded team and although they pressed hard for long periods , they could well have suffered a heavy defeat after a host of elementary mistakes gave Bann opportunities which should have been punished .
19 Billie could see their closeness when Adam let her out , saw that they cared deeply for each other .
20 But although the schizoid suicide and the anorexic both deny the reality of death , it seems to me that they do so for different reasons and in different ways .
21 Not now , not next year but in the next twenty years so there are a problem with schools , there are problems , I think , with changing leisure habits er people , the way that people take their leisure has changed over the last twenty years and not always have clubs , organizations and sailing schools taken account of that in , in their programme , especially with youngsters and I have to say I also believe there is apathy in some clubs and other organizations , not every club has an active youth sailing scheme and I believe that any club that does n't either must be extremely popular because of its er prices of beer or , or some other reason or it may not exist perhaps in twenty years ' time , so I think it 's an ext extremely important topic brought about by the maybe , without being melodramatic , some of the stuff that we 're reading in the papers about youngsters these days but looking at it from a purely selfish sailing point of view if we 're to get more youngsters into the sport even if we 're to hold our ground we 've got to make a big effort over , over this year and , and it 's important make sure that it runs on for future years .
22 Oh I think so , yeah you would n't purchase the land that it stands on for that now
23 Eventually Jim 's old caddie came out of the woodwork again and I carried on for one or two other pros .
24 The wife and daughter were usually silent , but Service and I made up for that .
25 My lover and I lived together for eight years and then when we got rid of the greengrocer 's shop , he ‘ went back to mother ’ .
26 Yes , her and I went together for seventeen year , before us got married . ’
27 Kathleen and I went off for some lunch and we then went to have a look at the castle .
28 And I saw then for certain
29 That summer the maternal grandmother 's gift of a Ramadan feast was brought without question to the family majlis , and the young Sheikh , his friends and I sat together for those last painful moments of the first day of Ramadan .
30 The Luggnuggians are polite and generous people , and I stayed here for three months .
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