Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [pron] [be] in " in BNC.

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1 Or you know you 're in a meeting and the chairman what 's your opinion John on this where you what do you think about this ?
2 said I 've got to get this one back for her mum or whatever said I 'm in a hurry then I met some guy on the field , talking to him and er
3 Ltd. v. B.O.A.C. [ 1955 ] A.C. 169 , 191 , Lord Reid stated that if the arguments are fairly evenly balanced ( not that I believe they are in this case ) , that interpretation should be chosen which involves the least alteration of the existing law .
4 It is well known that I disliked what was in the first three-year letter of intent , but I wholly approved of the principle .
5 So history 's a very much broader and more popular subject in this country than I think it is in almost any other country in the world .
6 " In such a way that she felt I was in sympathy with her , of course . "
7 He was aware that she believed he was in need of art .
8 right , and I look over to Roger and Roger 's flicking through his notes like this and as you , you were peeping through and he 's trying to find out what , what he 's talking about , they 're not looking at each other and anyway at the end of it , er we went through it and at the end of it he turned round and went how was it , what were you playing at , what was that spiel that you gave it 's in my brief , that 's one of my objections
9 However , only Sally knew where the bridleway left the reservoir and headed to the pub , so she ensured she was in the lead at that point , and then promptly declared her race over as she would not risk galloping the remaining mile of road .
10 Erm so you think it 's in the countryside anyway ?
11 Once you see what 's in the envelopes everything will be all right . ’
12 In trusting God we are living out our assumptions , putting into practice all that we say he is in theory , so that who God is and what he has done can make the difference in every part of our lives .
13 The first time that we find it is in 36 : They are a We unit , but at once they are split up into two incompatible halves : ‘ In our two loves there is but one respect/Though in our lives a separable spite ’ — that is , some malicious act of fortune keeps them separate .
14 But make sure , you know , you well you take over the house , so we know what 's in them in case they get thrown out with the bloody rubbish !
15 erm , there 's on certain parts of ah what they put has shown they they 've understood what was in that part of the diary like in the exercises relating this morning to or to learning like with the Roman numerals and the other thing they shown that they understood what was in that context , but then on erm when you get later on it 's just er
16 One possible answer for Ian being found away from his family is that he knew he was in danger , and expected them to come after him .
17 Albert Cruikshank , customs officer at London Airport , had told his wife , Bella , that he knew she was in love with his best friend .
18 The third film in this three-picture deal which was to bring him ‘ more money than he thought there was in the world ’ was The Robe .
19 ‘ You just take your bag through another entrance and no-one knows what 's in it — drugs , weapons or whatever , ’ Tamerlan Musajev told the Swedish news agency TT yesterday .
20 He said that 's when they put presents round and er he come in on the Friday on the Friday night and I mean I was in a right state , I mean we 've been in there about seven weeks and I was like at the point of like a nervous breakdown and he said to me how do you feel about me taking Matthew from you , so I said I he said I think you need a break .
21 ‘ True ; and I wish I were in them . ’
22 I saw he had been drinking , and I knew I was in a very dangerous situation .
23 But it suddenly took a flier and I knew I was in trouble .
24 Dr Williams has also taken his campaign to the Kennel Club , and I feel he is in no small way responsible for having persuaded that eminent body to tighten up its act .
25 My son has only just reached his majority , and I understand he is in no immediate financial need .
26 And I think we 're in the rounds now thinking we 've got the chance of going up , but it 's not going to be easy and there 's lots of football to be played yet .
27 I do n't know I mean sometimes it goes and I think she 's in there do n't you ?
28 I suspect that we will find that John Major is both pro-active and reaction , because in the next few months erm up to some time before June nineteen ninety two , there has to be a manifesto produced for the next election , and I think it 's in that you will probably see the pro-active side of John Major and his colleagues .
29 But talk about a hassle they wanted , they , well they picked the be the pr you know the present that you c you claim erm , a deep fryer and I think it was in March time and by July it still had n't come in spite of ringing and writing and everything else
30 The first day at the newspaper they sent me into the darkroom with a roll of film and I think I was in the closet for about five hours before I could figure out how to put it on the reel . ’
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