Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [verb] they and " in BNC.

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1 Well I 'd only say that initially erm because then what you end up with is a sort of lucky dip which every now and then somebody will remember the bag of science tricks that somebody 's taught them and dip into .
2 Well I 'd only say that initially erm because then what you end up with is a sort of lucky dip which every now and then somebody will remember the bag of science tricks that somebody 's taught them and dip into .
3 And make sure when you leave the place I hope that you have washed them and you 've washed those .
4 We had never consciously allocated days to each other ; it had just turned out that we had grabbed them and put our stamp on them .
5 We continue with the struggle and forget the mad whites here and that we have to help them and that 's what our people have to do .
6 We also yes I must remind you that we have read the papers so I do n't necessarily want to go through it word by word line by line er but obviously when you want to make a point you will refer back to those papers but do n't you must assume that we have read them and that everybody else has read them .
7 Ample proof indeed that it had recognized them and it realized that it was the entrance to its home .
8 And he said that he 'd phoned them and said could they change it and he 'd finish at eleven then he can still start tomorrow night again at quarter to one .
9 Looking round for Blackberry , he saw that he had left them and was up at the top of the pool , where the narrow beach tailed away into a gravel spit .
10 I 've had mine done twice , mine done twice , mm , the police were up the other day lying in ambush , and I 'd spotted them and phoned the local police station and said there 's men lurking in the bushes of are they policemen ? , she said yes madam , they 're policemen .
11 Oh yes , oh yes yes erm and I 'm on about er on about , for one thing , but you 'd be surprised er it 's the biggest and most elaborate trade of any in the world , locks and keys , I say that very firmly because er there 's no limit , there 's no extent and you , there might be required anything and as I say er I er I had these locks for the asylums and that , you know and er I thought I mentioned it before , I made fifty fifty locks all different and I had to number them and keep a record of them and er I had a , you had the keys on a wire , numbered one up to fifty and they was for big , big asylums , you know what I mean and er they could go in one ward , I 'm on about places where they 'd have twenty or thirty people , you know and er there 's only one bloke could get in there .
12 And I had to clean them and I had to get a bucket of water and sluice it down with a hard broom and .
13 I 'll do them when you 're erm cos I meant to do them and I forgot all about it .
14 And then er that 's one of t the the boss made that cabinet there er it 's got the feet er but and these are what they call astricles These panes of glass are all in er individually you know , they 're all put in and to polish these wee astricles oh you you had to be very deli cos they 're very thin you know , and you had to flay them and polish and they lay them in the thing and then they they were fitted in and then the glass was The doors were sent to the glaziers Certain amount of polish on them and then the doors were sent to the glazers and then they were finished after that you know .
15 A a as I say it do it does go quickly when you you know , work , as I say , you got the dogs in the morning , the dogs in the evening and you got to feed them and
16 For non-metals if you try to hit them and beat them into sheets or if you try to stretch them you get ?
17 They had the terms already pre-printed for us and we had agreed them and secured our new property before we even received terms from the others . ’
18 No , she bloody ought to after the first couple of dozen times , but anyway , when they come back and we got back at night and we started playing them and putting things on er you know they got to like it
19 If he drew a chair or a pair of boots he managed to convey the effort of production that went into them , as if he had shaped them and fitted them together himself .
20 and erm , he 's got in the , in the fabric one he 's got double doors and all the rolls of carpet and erm , he 's got a table in there and obviously to make a cup of tea , got a couple of beds in there cos he 's sold them and it 's like a big warehouse and erm all around there there 's a big concreted area , you know , and er all these units and that 's where we , we reckon it is .
21 ‘ I do n't really read books , but I liked cataloguing them and arranging them and making sure they were well looked after and all that kind of thing . ’
22 ‘ I felt guilty enough to want to help the marriage succeed because I 'd introduced them and had n't thought to warn Rachel , mainly because I did n't find him attractive myself and he 'd never come across as the great seducer with me , and I knew that if it did n't work , it would turn out to be a lifelong trap for her .
23 Both philology and Catholicism are here presented as ‘ languages ’ which Julia is unable to master because she wants to question them and change them rather than accept their inherent systematicity .
24 It was two and a half years since I had seen them and it gave me a lot of hope just to know that they were still in good shape , although they both looked much older .
25 AB still appears shorter than BC even after I have measured them and found them to be equal .
26 Mind you do n't your tongue with that I tell you what they had in er Woolies market as well , I do n't know whether you 've seen them and I do n't , I 've not got you know an old Argos catalogue to compare prices , cos they 've not got it in the summer one , but they have them in the winter ones , it 's like a , a tool box , but it 's on wheels and you make it up , you , you know all the screws and the wheels come out and you 're not , it 's all plastic , I think it must be from age three , because of the little bits , and it 's like erm , I 've seen it somewhere , where I 've been , it has little figures sat in this erm , what would you , it 's like erm , a bit like a truck , yeah , and it 's got the , the figures in it
27 On 4 August 1989 solicitors acting on behalf of the relatives wrote to the coroner repeating the facts as I have summarised them and requesting that an inquest be held to inquire whether or not the death had been caused or aggravated by failures of the emergency services to respond to the calls and to attend in proper time .
28 It 's a terrible thing to see someone unhappy when you want to help them and you ca n't .
29 It also does n't have to be a particularly fast drive because spreadsheets read the data into memory once when you start using them and after that the speed of the disk has no effect .
30 Miss Evans did n't eat with them but stood by the table like a waitress in a restaurant , taking the plates to the sink as soon as they 'd cleared them and sweeping up crumbs round their chairs before they had finished drinking their milk .
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