Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] always been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Before that I 've always been involved in women 's journals , including Women 's Report which is one of the early women 's monitoring journals in this country .
2 And I explained to them it 's because having been unemployed most of my professional life that I 've always been short of money and that 's what 's led me to work on very cheap materials .
3 ( I subsequently had ( 27 April ) a site meeting with an EGBT official , who completed a proposal form on the spot — however , the funding aspects are not my main concern here ; suffice it to say , 1 ) that I have always been confident that funding would be secured from one source or another , and 2 ) that my direct approach to SNH was done only because I had indications that their project approvals took months rather than weeks — something I have subsequently been assured is not true ) .
4 When Vron had sobbed it all out after showing her prospective stepson photographs of herself having a handjob with no clothes on for money , she explained to me at throaty length and with hot tears still foiling the points of her lashes — that she had always been creative .
5 When Vron had sobbed it all out after showing her prospective stepson photographs of herself having a handjob with no clothes on for money , she explained to me at throaty length and with hot tears still foiling the points of her lashes — that she had always been creative .
6 Another rumour countered that she had always been unpleasant and had thus never had a love-affair , unhappy or otherwise .
7 ‘ You mean to tell me , Peter , that you 've always been aware of this spate of ‘ reprisals ’ on officials of the fallen Government ? ’
8 ‘ We have the best trained , the best qualified law enforcement officers that can be found in any major city in the world so we have always been able to maintain solid protection for our community without having the comparable size departments that other cities have , ’ he says .
9 Indeed we may say that there has always been such a tendency , in the patristic period likewise , to collapse the distinction between the two natures .
10 Historically we can establish that there have always been these waves of hooliganism in particular form .
11 I accept that there have always been some problems , but if one keeps filling the pot with water it will overflow .
12 The welfare state in Britain has always been pluralistic in that there have always been several sources of welfare provision .
13 ‘ In 1945 , ’ Husband said , ‘ they were trading cigarettes-which were better than gold in those days — for party cards and affidavits that they 'd always been true Worker Youths-once they found themselves in the Russian Zone .
14 No matter what Bob says or Harry or any other member of the Conservative group , and I accept that they 've always been consistent on it the same as the Labour group has always been consistently against the merger I accept that they 've been consistently in favour of a total merger .
15 He 's got a crooked back , you see , and although he 's always been rich , he was never really happy until he married . ’
16 In 1976 , in response to a White Paper on devolution to Scotland and Wales , the CNAA commented that it had always been sensitive to the specific conditions and needs of Scotland , and that it might be appropriate for the CNAA to set up a Scottish Committee .
17 He said afterwards that he had always been confident ‘ because I was not guilty ’ .
18 The explanation given was that he had always been keen on guns .
19 Martin Fleischmann told me that he had always been puzzled by the behaviour of hydrogen in palladium .
20 Alexei knew that he had always been aware of her — they were not strangers by any means — but now he straightened and stared in open admiration .
21 My hon. Friend the Member for Devon , North ( Mr. Speller ) began by drawing attention to the fact that he has always been generous in his praise of the constituency record of Jeremy Thorpe .
22 ‘ I know Alan from the England set-up , and everyone has always been impressed with his work . ’
23 and I 'd always been sorry that my dad told us , you know .
24 ‘ I 'd worked in studios before , really complicated state-of-the-art stuff , and I 'd always been obsessed with multi-tracking .
25 I am aware of the difficult times that other theatre companies who actually face in this moment in time and I am very grateful when I and I 've always been grateful to the Harlow Council for the funding of the Council has given to the theatre , has given to the theatre over the years .
26 The first pair of real hiking boots I ever had were Daisy Roots and I 've always been impressed by their comfort .
27 And I 've always been mature for my age . ’
28 Before I went to Miss Havisham 's and met Estella , I had always wanted to be apprenticed to Joe , and I had always been happy at home , in spite of my sister 's scolding .
29 Fenella and I have always been close .
30 ‘ Len and I have always been good mates .
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