Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] we [modal v] get " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's a great day for me and I hope we can get Barnet the promotion we deserve .
2 But we can actually get it framed and I mean we 'll get it for well under that .
3 ‘ Having been to the World Cup finals the last time , I want more then ever to be part of everything and I fancy we can get there again by beating not only Lithuania , but Spain and Northern Ireland as well .
4 ‘ The team had put on a marvellous display out in Georgia and I thought we 'd get a few more than 6,000 .
5 JOHN MAJOR yesterday officially launched Manchester 's bid to stage the 2000 Olympics with the prediction : ‘ We are going for gold and I believe we will get it . ’
6 We are going for gold and I believe we will get it . ’
7 And I think we ought to get him over to one of our meetings .
8 The request will go before their committee and I think we 'll get the Stewart fight first , ’ Maloney said .
9 … a girl called Marion who works with me , and I think we 'll get on quite well .
10 I know the man and I think we can get him . ’
11 And we 'd perhaps make about six trips , and I think we used to get sixpence each for that .
12 But actually , just look , turning the page , it tells you activity and production , right , how many days worked this year , forty days , how many weeks , eight days , and all the rest , and then if you see we can get this is based on your data , that you 're feeding into the computer every week , and there 's absolutely no purpose in putting false data in .
13 So we need more space and we think we 'll get it .
14 not only which er erm one of the big strategies of ours is using er and we think we can get into a considerable number of homes with leaflet drops etcetera erm er by using that er arrow .
15 As Anthony Alexander , the group 's chief operating officer in Britain , put it , ‘ If we think we can get more for them than they are worth to us , we will sell . ’
16 We got it there or thereabouts for sales executives right ? the area development exec job but we did n't get it right we were two grand adrift quite clearly demonstrable evidence that we were two grand adrift on that pay and I 've asked now to agree to upping the pay level and if he does we might get some decent people and then we worry about the ramifications of that afterwards , yeah ?
17 But if he does we might get the bad things .
18 Yeah but I thought we should get cracking in the car .
19 This is a stage that we 've got to that I 'm not ashamed of , but I believe we will get much stronger . ’
20 We want to affiliate her in horse classes — I know she wo n't be able to manage lengthened strides very easily because of her conformation , but we hope we 'll get up to Medium level . ’
21 But we believe we will get this 90 percent right the thought that has gone into it has been enormous . ’
22 Since crime , however it is defined in any particular society , always involves some degree of restraint on individual self-interest , our natural tendency is always towards deviation : we will , it seems , always choose the deviant alternative when it suits us and when we think we can get away with it .
23 People who have intelligence and a conscience wrestle with these problems and we 've come to a conclusion which is as good a deal as we think we can get , with the people of the area and with the Labour party and I think he said that if people in this authority are sufficiently obstructive for a sufficiently long time then people will change their minds .
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