Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] not have one " in BNC.

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1 I have this urge to snow you my childhood stamp collection , just that I do n't have one .
2 And er Hannah 's going we started off the conversation where was the perviest you 've ever had one I mean , knowing that I did n't have one , ever had one before and that was Mark , feeble attempt that lasted about ten minutes
3 She longed for a weapon , for even a hairpin , and knowing that she did not have one , she knew too that she was totally defenceless , unarmed and alone .
4 Although we do n't have one for review , the idea is obviously to make full use of the stereo Alesis delay on gigs small enough not to need further amplification .
5 In this third stage both girls and boys are primarily concerned with the penis — as a result of their early observations , girls notice that they do not have one , and boys notice this fact too .
6 For people already inclined to be critical of Mr Bush , it is easy to leap from saying that he can not articulate a policy to saying that he does not have one , or that such policy as he has is flawed .
7 Wright pleaded guilty to all charges , and also admitted obtaining £207,000 from the Halifax Building Society by deception when he applied for a mortgage claiming , falsely , that he did not have one .
8 Yeah , we 've got a wrong driver and I did n't have one in my things so I might have to regroup with a proper let's have a look in DOS and see what mouse drivers it 's got .
9 For example , you may be able to get a grant to help with putting in a hot water system if you do not have one .
10 If you do not have one already get yourself a diary which is small enough to carry with you .
11 Before you open the door , call out and ask who it is and always put the door chain on ( if you do n't have one its worth getting one fitted , see page 22 ) .
12 If you do n't have one , turn down your freezer as low as it will go and freeze the mixture in a shallow metal pie pan .
13 If you do n't have one then try plussing ( see page 21 ) .
14 If you do n't have one already , ask friends and relatives for recommendations or contact the law society for a list .
15 If you do n't have one , get a window box or hanging basket .
16 What 's the point of advertising a porsche if you do n't have one ?
17 He claimed that it did n't matter what mantra you said , or indeed if you did n't have one , as long as you cleared out your mind .
18 Again think of what you 'd lose if you did n't have one .
19 You will probably be asked some questions about your health , and you will need to have a routine chest X-ray if you have n't had one lately .
20 in the kitchen lening , leaning on er , on there there 's a drink there look on the draining board for you if you have n't had one
21 they come down for the course and they do n't have one .
22 " Each sale is worth several others as companies start to feel left out if they do n't have one . "
23 Request they buy a copy if they do not have one !
24 If it does n't have one , buy some non-setting plumber 's mastic to seal between the tap and the bath .
25 It is , however , almost as if it did not have one .
26 But I have n't had one once and it tasted really nice .
27 erm and he was released and he came to Harlow and we meet him and that was , that was very good , erm , but we have n't had one like that , you know for a long time .
28 I wanted a grey one but they did n't have one .
29 Michael could easily have followed every word of it in his Mass Missal , but he did n't have one .
30 It 's like me telling someone from India that they should n't write a book about the caste system , because we do n't have one ! ’
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