Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [noun] will [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 What makes her think that my child will want posters of David Bowie and John Travolta , anyway ?
2 A spokesman for the Amazonian Kayapo Indians , Payacan , says that scientists will be welcome if they can demonstrate that their activities will bring benefits to the Indians , but he adds that : " lots of scientists just come and ask and ask and ask and then go away and we never hear about their results " .
3 The pressure groups are urging consumers to choose a less damaging bulb , and are hoping that their campaign will prompt bulb-traders to organise " green " bulb production which will need only minimal spraying .
4 He is also asked to confirm that neither he nor his family will cause assets to be removed from the trusts .
5 And my secretary will take messages for us . ’
6 Some of this can be 1,000 times more radioactive than low-level waste , and its activity will last centuries rather than decades .
7 Boys , however , will more likely opt for major sports brands and their files will feature photographs of models like Cindy Crawford and pin-ups like Rebekah Elmaloglou of TV 's Home and Away .
8 On 4 August , the big band sound of Syd Lawrence and his Orchestra will delight fans , and on 11 August the English National Opera will give its first open-air performance of Madam Butterfly .
9 Could my right hon. Friend make it clear that , during the passage of the Bill , he and his colleagues will have consultations with those who make representations to ensure that their worries about links between people with different claims and the causes of large-scale immigration are considered together ?
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