Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [noun] [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Investors should be able to identify those companies where their capital is most needed , and will be most profitably used .
2 Quartz grains with overgrowth cements may be reworked into younger sediments ( see Fig. 5.11 ) where their importance is commonly underestimated ( Sanderson , 1984 ) .
3 How are the workers to be encouraged to go where their labour is most needed .
4 ( The planner is included with dotted lines only , because his or her function is often performed by the account executive . )
5 The Judaeo-Christian tradition regards cannibalism as a sin , but other major religions beg to disagree , on the grounds that , if a person is dead already , the consumption of his or her body is not going to make much difference .
6 Regardless of what company is involved in such matters and of whether it has a socialist supporter , a Conservative supporter or no political supporter at all , it is our duty as a House to enable everyone in the country to feel that his or her pension is well protected .
7 Once it has been established that the vehicle or its use is not exempt the type of motor vehicle should be described in the police officer 's statement .
8 Lungu had been appointed in July 1990 after helping to rally loyal troops during an unsuccessful coup attempt [ see p. 37523 , where his name is wrongly given as Hanniah ] .
9 Al-Shazli , who had been in voluntary exile since 1978 , was to appeal [ for his return and arrest in March see p. 38840 , where his surname is erroneously given as Chazli ] .
10 Planning Minister Paulo Haddad assumed the Economy and Finance portfolio in addition to his own following the resignation on Dec. 16 of Gustavo Krause after only two months in office [ for his appointment see p. 39139 , where his surname is wrongly given as Kraus ] .
11 Reiner Gohlke , executive president of the Treuhandanstalt ( trustee agency ) which had responsibility for overseeing the restructuring of the state-owned businesses in East Germany , resigned on Aug. 20 because of policy disagreements with other members of the governing board [ see p. 37536 for his appointment where his post is wrongly given as chair ] .
12 ‘ Quite apart from the liability imposed upon the owner of animals or the person having control of them by reason of knowledge of their propensities , there is the ordinary duty of a person to take care either that his animal or his chattel is not put to such a use as is likely to injure his neighbour — the ordinary duty to take care in the cases put upon negligence . ’
13 There are in fact quite a number of exceptions to this proposition , so that in England a county court summons will normally be served by an officer of the court sending it by post and some writs in admiralty may be served by the Admiralty Marshal ; in the United States federal courts , summonses in civil actions are served by a United States Marshal ; but service by the plaintiff or his agent is nonetheless seen as the common law norm .
14 My role as a lawyer within the company means that my work is directly linked to the development of the company 's activities and encompasses everything from handling acquisitions and disposals to advising on minor matters on an ad-hoc basis , and problem solving for the company .
15 Nick Hornby ( ‘ Mine is the generation that was terrified of the Daleks and fell in love with Valerie Singleton ’ ) carried on the Sunday Times sniping last week : ‘ It could well be that my generation is about to burst into spectacular , awe-inspiring literary life ; perhaps this year we will be reading scores of novels as dazzling as London Fields or A History of the World in 10½ Chapters , all written by men and women born after Elvis ’ first number one .
16 But remember this ; I rely on you to see that my name is not sullied by reason of this hare-brained scheme . ’
17 I have suddenly noticed that my kalanchoe is badly attacked by greenfly .
18 To some extent I can evade the issue by letting spontaneous inclination take its course , without allowing thought to intervene , so that my action is not chosen but caused ; but I am not an instinctive being like an animal , I have to choose , and on the position we are considering all imperatives are ungrounded , except such as may be derivable from ‘ Face facts ’ .
19 ‘ I 'm afraid that my husband is often caught up at the hospital and so I simply do n't know whether he will be free . ’
20 How do I know that my youth is all spent ?
21 ‘ I swear , ’ Corbett said emphatically , ‘ that my intention is not to spy for the English King .
22 Do you tell me that my brother is not treated in a like manner ? ’
23 ‘ You are telling me , Warrender , that my niece is not travelling with the Parslows ?
24 I 'm still conscious of what I wear , I have n't completely lost track of fashion , but I do take more care now to see that my body is well covered , especially my head .
25 It has to be said that my curiosity is heavily qualified by trepidation .
26 The reason , of course , is that my garden is so packed with plants that the weeds simply do n't stand a chance .
27 Because the purpose tests outlined above need to be satisfied throughout Newco 's accounting period , it should be ensured that Newco 's objects clause in its Memorandum of Association clearly states that its purpose is either to trade , or to be a holding company of shares in a company or companies which it controls .
28 N C V O needs to be sharing its knowledge , its information and general resources with its members , and also needs to ensure that its work is firmly grounded in the experience and knowledge of the plethora of voluntary organisations and charities , with which contact is maintained on a regular basis .
29 Convergent combination chemotherapy refers to the use of several antiretroviral drugs — nucleoside and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase ( RT ) inhibitors — to damage the virus to such a degree that its replication is permanently impaired .
30 Still less , perhaps , now that its history is gloriously told .
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