Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [noun] [vb past] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such cases may have been exceptional , but a great many servants seem to have passed their lives in households where their employers knew them by their functions , not their names .
2 Of the priests we know little , except where their transgressions brought them to episcopal notice .
3 All of them were aware of their role and did n't seem to mind too much that their peers thought them to be crazy .
4 Women who told me that their partners accused them of using tears to manipulate them agreed that there were times when they deliberately wept , but said that it was often the only way they could get their partner 's attention .
5 Of those who reported that their disability handicapped them in some way , 90 per cent stated that they ‘ had to take special care ’ and 86 per cent reported a restricted work or social life .
6 She grumbled to me that if she left the tap-handles in situ , people would take advantage and lie in their baths for hours on end , using a lot more hot water than their franc entitled them to .
7 The status of the second level nurse has troubled the profession for years , not least because they have been depended on as the mainstay of practical bedside nursing , while being expected to take on more responsibility than their training prepared them for .
8 As Primrose and her brother rejoined them at the table , Madeleine continued to pursue her own thoughts .
9 It was an awful noise like little kids you heard in the street when they fell down and their Mums dragged them along the pavement .
10 Once amongst the world 's greatest blue-water navigators , guided by wave patterns and the clues in seaweed and bird droppings , the Bugis had now lost so much confidence in their old ways that they had been reduced to coast-hugging , on the principle that if their ships sank they at least had a chance of making it ashore alive .
11 ‘ Some people kept little trees in secret courtyards , and flowers in their houses , but they were n't supposed to , and if their neighbours reported them to the police the people would have their trees chopped down and the flowers taken away and they would be fined or put in prison , where they had to work very hard , rubbing out writing on bits of paper so they could be used again . ’
12 Their lawlessness became so notorious that James VI proscribed the clan , which turned out to be very unpleasant indeed , and his edict described them as : ‘ that wicked race of lawless luminaries , callit the Macgregor ’ .
13 There were messages awaiting Rory Collins when he got home , and his mother gave them to him with little interest .
14 Kenny Milne is far and away the Scots ' best hooker and his injury robbed them of a great deal in both tests .
15 The accounts submitted to the Revenue included these costs as a deduction and our computations claimed them as a legitimate expense .
16 I used to wear jeans and jackets and shirts but my parents burned them on the same day my dad beat me up , and after that I had to wear saris .
17 They thought they could make fun of a country girl , but my answer took them by surprise .
18 These reforms have encouraged some historians to see the Despensers as ‘ much more than greedy and irresponsible favourites ’ , but their contemporaries judged them by their behaviour towards other landowners and by their position at court , rather than by their responsibility , however great it was , for what were essentially technical reforms in government .
19 But his tone left them in no doubt as to his feelings as he grunted , ‘ I suggested to your fiancée , ’ he uttered the noun with contempt , ‘ that she release you from this ridiculous arrangement .
20 while their owners circled them in rowboats
21 We always had plenty of vegetables , for my father grew them in the garden , and during the Second World War , had an allotment too .
22 As they strolled deeper into the gardens she became aware that the Pantominteatret was by no means the only form of free entertainment , as their progress led them from one area of performance to another .
23 Pigeons found sheltered ledges , dogs that were normally unconcerned snarled as their owners tugged them on leashes .
24 Much as their fans loved them for all their quirks , the aesthetics and comfort of a ground did not cross the mind of many football directors .
25 The Hastings brothers , he concluded , had made the significant contribution for the city team as their victory eased them to the sanctuary of ten points in the McEwan 's First Division .
26 French museums were alerted to the painting a little over a year ago when its owners contacted them after finding a foreign buyer .
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