Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [modal v] just have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It might be ready for opening , or it might just have dissolved away itself .
2 Or he could just have wished to have an excuse for placing men near the chateau to keep us under closer observation .
3 When I saw the room , I immediately wanted to call the whole thing off , but the chap already had the cheque and I was on a hiding to nothing with my landlord so I would just have to put up with it .
4 ‘ She left no clues , you see , so no one really considered that she might just have run away . ’
5 And that she 'll just have to take a chance tonight .
6 I think with erm , I I was brought up in a household where it was com , completely legitimate to admit to being depressed and that you would just have to cope , I think cope perhaps my most
7 One that you 'll just have to learn .
8 Er and therefore erm I think we 'd like to some degree wait and see a bit still because er I think that you know economic circumstances of this particular moment mean that we may just have to consider that further of seeing how things progress really between now and October .
9 It does at the moment according to the reports , everything is aimed at the control and the command network and also and obviously at the military targets , so we 'll just have to wait and see
10 And possibly Tina and that is off so they 'll just have to struggle on as if we were there and a lot of others were off .
11 His officials were talking about " the man who came to dinner " and making it clear that he would just have to go before the Islamic summit that was scheduled to meet in Morocco in April .
12 There 's only one way to get him home and I 'll just have to take it .
13 ‘ It will not happen again — the image of the club is important and I 'll just have to try and accept any punishment the FA give me like a man .
14 We 're talking about three nine six G M B Parliamentary Panel Dick and I 'll just have to follow Duncan , he had his little rhetoric on the Labour Party that he 's he believes in so much .
15 The drivers come with the card or the gizmo , screwdrivers are n't hard to find , and I 'll just have to assume that your bank balance can cope .
16 ‘ You know , Dorothy , you and I will just have to dine together more often .
17 Everyone will order me around and I will just have to smile and do as they say or they will not look after me when I am an old woman .
18 ‘ Sorry , my girl , I am , and you 'll just have to get used to the idea .
19 Her discovery in Paris could n't have happened at a worse time from that point of view , and she would just have to accept it .
20 But Pipe said : ‘ The Gold Cup is a long way away and we 'll just have to see what happens in the meantime . ’
21 ‘ The race was n't on Baydon Star 's agenda and we 'll just have to see , ’ he said .
22 And we 'll just have to hope they forgive you , that 's all … ’
23 Go off and we 'd just have to bear the costs .
24 And the bobbies may have been up there and they may just have overlooked something .
25 And he would just have to learn , and quickly , to be glad of it .
26 But I 'll just have to collect my bag , so you run home and I promise to be there in ten minutes . ’
27 I 'm sorry , but I 'll just have to lift you in then , one , two , three up he goes , ooh
28 IT 'S DIFFICULT to know whether Joe Bear 's statement ‘ we 're out of tune but you 'll just have to put up with it ’ is an apology or the title of the first song , as Huggy Bear embark upon a set that includes lots of shouting , inept but enthusiastic attempts to play their instruments and generally deconstructs the rock myth with the viciousness of a tantrum in the nursery .
29 But you 'll just have to take my word for it .
30 You want biscuits , well we 've got some biscuits , but you 'll just have to wait a minute , I ca n't unpack everything now , alright , right let's see if we can find the car Get you two in the car first I think , right then , oh , what a heavy trolley full of food Oh dear , dear , dear , will you please put your feet down Charlotte , stop me being kicked .
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