Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [modal v] be [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I must get away or I 'll be trapped here for life .
2 I resolved to assert my authority from the beginning , or I would be trampled underfoot by even this most junior member of the Goreng clan .
3 The Rose is an attractive , traditional style Tyrolean gasthof where you will be made very welcome by Simon and Anneliese Kroll .
4 She dared not flex a muscle or she would be pressed hard against him .
5 The rules make it clear that an individual who can show that his or her claim is distinguishable from the rest of the group must have it heard and he or she will be treated individually .
6 In the eighteen-forties , the department stores really came into being with places like Debenham and Freebodys and Selfridges , where everything could be purchased under one roof , which made things much easier .
7 We were not told where the train was going , but we were told that we must all clamber aboard or we should be left behind .
8 Generally rare in polar regions , where sea ice inhibits their settlement , they are often plentiful on subpolar shores where they may be exposed twice daily to six-hourly spells of near-freezing sea temperatures , alternating with similar spells of very much lower air temperatures .
9 They found a restaurant in a side street , where they would be pestered less , and took an outside table .
10 where they will be seen once and it 's dumped .
11 This irritates the worms sufficiently to cause them to crawl up to the surface immediately , where they can be collected easily in daylight .
12 Political leaders , where they can be set apart from the party , may help to shape a party 's image .
13 Such modifications may be determined endogenously , as a society itself modifies its cultural form in order to cope with circumstances , such as population pressure , or they may be influenced exogenously , as with the impact of the colonial powers in the Pacific .
14 The interatomic spacing can be calculated form the critical angle and the dimensions of the cone ; these cones ' dimensions can be computed from classical mechanics or they can be determined experimentally .
15 Such units can either be used as measures , relative to some fixed point of interest ( including , crucially , the deictic centre ) , or they can be used calendrically to locate events in " absolute " time relative to some absolute origo , or at least to some part of each natural cycle designated as the beginning of that cycle ( Fillmore , 1975 ) .
16 The two can be used separately — only one line is needed for an ordinary conversation or data transfer — or they can be used together for applications that need a lot of line capacity , a videoconference call , for example .
17 Parsley seedlings can be grown in terracotta pots and placed on a patio , or they can be planted outside .
18 As the pattern of industrial life goes on and the health of the nation enables people to live longer , the number of retired people will increase and new , attractive facilities will have to be made for them in Britain , or they will be lured away to live on the continent of Europe and spend their money there .
19 Although this characteristic is to some extent a handicap in that they can not be used , for instance , with boiling water , there are very great manufacturing advantages since the stuff can be squirted out hot in the form of tubes and sections or else into an elaborately shaped mould where it can be hardened almost instantaneously by rapid chilling .
20 While it has the advantage of putting slurry at plant root level where it can be used quickly , it can not bury the same volume of slurry or reduce the smell as much as it can with deep injection .
21 Richard Daniels ( 42 ) , has called his 23 poem collection of verse , If Milton Could Do It — So Can I. He wrote the book on a computer at a community resource centre in Kingsteignton , Devon , where it will be launched tomorrow .
22 Burton 's Welsh and hungry and visceral sense that everything had to be grabbed or it would be lost forever would be reinforced at this critical stage in his life by the fatalistically hedonistic mood which infected so many .
23 After purification treatment , the process water can be stored in elevated tanks and fed by gravity to the machine , or it can be pumped directly with only a small balancing tank overhead .
24 In the budget of 1992 it was announced that from 1993/4 onwards any extra married allowance can be claimed in its entirety by either husband or wife , or it can be shared equally between them , thus making the tax system fairer to married women .
25 It can have faults in its design , or it can be used incorrectly ( correct use needs trained skills ) .
26 Hindley warned Heathcliff that he must never speak to Catherine again , or he would be sent away from Wuthering Heights , and it was decided that Catherine would be taught to behave like a young lady .
27 They laid Victor on the floor of their shack and prayed for him , but Victor , realising that nothing could be done just gave up and refused to eat .
28 As Alexander Irvine put it in 1694 : it is a Maxim in our Law , " That the King can do no Wrong " ; the Meaning whereof is not , that nothing can be done amiss that he does in point of Government , but whatever there is amiss to it , is not to be imputed to him , but to those by whose Advice and Ministry he acts ; and consequently , that not he , but they are punishable for them .
29 It is clear enough that nothing can be defined simply in negative terms .
30 We can say that yours can be dated c 1350–1530 .
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