Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [modal v] [adv] see [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The seminar will take place at the Science Museum , where you can also see Mike 's exhibition Running on Air — the Nike Exhibition of Sports Shoe Technology .
2 There will be times during a good investigative session when they need to draw several quick diagrams perhaps , or they may suddenly see connections between things which they can not yet explain but need to indicate immediately .
3 Although I ca n't see Beryl clambering over scaffolding with a .32 tucked in her pants , she 'd be quite capable of doing it by proxy .
4 ‘ For I wanted the opportunity to talk to you privately , ’ she told Theda quietly , ‘ although I could not see Araminta allowing it . ’
5 The visitor left , forgetting to take her sewing machine , and I left with her , knowing full well that I would never see Aisha again and that news of my forcing the lock on her cupboard would reach my family and the whole village well amplified , so that I 'd end up accused of stealing all of Aisha 's possessions .
6 I watched her go with sadness in my heart because I felt for some inexplicable reason that I would never see Granny again .
7 Unlike many other professions or hobbies , photographers do not have much access to courses where they can hone their skills , although you will occasionally see ads on the back of the Irish Times .
8 ‘ No , ’ she agreed blankly , avoiding his eyes , so that she would n't see distaste in them .
9 No use thinking that she would never see Travis again .
10 Despite the anger and the violence , the sorrow and the hopelessness , Cassie found that she could not contemplate the thought that she would never see Johnny again .
11 The pain would return , she knew , cruel and cutting , but pride and hurt meant little compared to the fear that she might never see fitzAlan again .
12 A few weeks before it would have seemed inconceivable that she should ever see Hilda again , but now she almost looked forward to the meeting .
13 Except that she could still see Julius in every drawing .
14 She took a dull sense of relief from the fact that she need not see Ven Gajdusek again .
15 I want you to promise me here and now that you will not see Gary Oliver again . ’
16 ‘ It makes me sad , though , to think that we sha n't see Donald Bailey again . ’
17 The knowledge that we would not see restaurants or hotels for some time gave a poignancy to our days in Aswan .
18 ‘ The golden rule of conduct , therefore , is mutual toleration seeing that we will never all think alike and that we shall always see Truth in fragment ( sic ) and from different angles of vision ’ .
19 It was agreed that they would not see Minton for a while .
20 Discussing the number of child cycling accidents , PC Dave Hogg told Darlington 's road safety forum last week that they 'd rather see children under ten pedalling on the pavement .
21 so presumably , you know , with all this in the earlier period that erm people are gon na be , you know , have less ties towards with people , traditional ties , it 's much more , so they would just see people who were higher up in society with more other people with , with , you know rather than
22 He made the Poles on his territory pay double the level of taxes paid by Germans , encouraged the Poles to sell up and move out and refused to rent out Royal Estates to Poles , declaring that he would rather see Danzig merchants working Pomeranian soil .
23 They had to get rid of a leader before they could bring themselves to admit that the poll tax was a mistake and I ca n't see John Major going before he loses the next election .
24 That would certainly cost money , and I ca n't see Father spending any on you in that way .
25 And I ca n't see 11-year-olds here burning round estuaries with a bloody great bowsprit and an asymmetric spinnaker . ’
26 Ted and I will never see eye to eye about his clients , whom he likes , respects and positively enjoys dragging over hills to bag stags , whereas I loathe these numbskulls who think killing is ‘ sport ’ .
27 All I could do was to mumble that I regretted not taking my degree , and , though I could see it was irritating of me to whine , to feel stale and bored was not such a trivial thing ; that though we might have the vote now , meals still had to be prepared and children looked after and since this kind of drudgery was despised by society as not being ‘ real work ’ , we were in the hideous position of being both exhausted and imprisoned by it and also looked down on for doing it ; that I had honestly tried to be the sort of wife Richard wanted — and the sort of wife I felt I ought to be — but it was like being in a kind of airless cell and I could only see Richard as a jailer ; that I saw myself becoming progressively more and more incapable of doing anything , not just mentally , but from some kind of paralysis of will .
28 My wife and I could never see eye to eye on the business of living .
29 ‘ Nothing has changed since the revolution and I can only see things getting worse and worse .
30 They sleep during the day , and you will sometimes see flocks of little birds mobbing a sleeping owl in broad daylight .
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