Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [modal v] [verb] [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 We walked to the boy 's mother 's house where I would stay while we worked on the bride house .
2 There is one place where I can say I am at home , where I can live in peace and quiet with my most beloved father and my dearest sister , where I can do as I like , where apart from the duties of my appointment I am my own master , and where I have a permanent income and yet can go off when I like , and travel every second year …
3 Just what you or I would say if we were buying a car ! )
4 Amina Shah would like her four-year-old daughter Anna to be in a reception class rather than the nursery class where she will stay till she is nearly five .
5 He carried her to a private room at the hotel , where she could rest until she felt well enough to ride home .
6 The hotel itself has excellent facilities which include a lovely swimming pool and sunbathing area , where you can unwind when you 're not out visiting the sights .
7 ‘ Success is n't the most important thing , it 's got most to do with where you live , which team you support , or where you used to live before you got moved out … you go back there , support your old team . ’
8 You can generate the dust by rubbing the Polychromos Pastels against fine sandpaper , a practical use for small remnant pieces that would otherwise be difficult to use up , or you can do as I do and spread the dust from very lightly applied pastel strokes , placed to allow a very deliberate development of the effect over a localised area .
9 at half past three or you can say if you 'd like to , if you 'd like to wait for half an hour , we 'll get a giro cheque to , issued to you or if you 'd rather you can come back at half past three and collect it .
10 On these cassettes you will hear the voice of the hypnotherapist , who will help you to achieve the desired state , then give you the same suggestions that he or she would make if you were in the consulting room ; finally , the hypnotherapist will wake you up again .
11 A second group is made up of people who work , or who could work if they chose to , almost full-time and full-year-round in the industry .
12 They circle Sycorax 's saman tree , where stands the hut Kit used as a temporary headquarters before Belmont House was finished , and they turn south to pass out of the colony , into the residual forest , where they can hide until it will be safe to join a village — if her people will take her in again .
13 Or they 'll wait until I 'm half-way through a sentence , and get up to go to the loo .
14 Erm the caravan sites act nineteen sixty eight er , paragraph fifteen did actually , I think address the provision government sites quite well , or it would have if it had actually been properly implemented in that there was a carrot and stick , there was stick or requirement
15 Or it may arise because we are pursuing a particular path and if we went back upstream we could avoid the problem instead of trying to solve it .
16 The Balfour Declaration is there , yes , but in Eretz we know that nothing will change unless we ourselves change it .
17 They believe that everyone should write as they do : not as well as they do , of course , but in the same fashion .
18 As a practising manager scanning and trying to make sense of the environment surrounding my particular enterprise , I came , too , to experience a high degree of frustration with , and scepticism about , the very notion of scanning ; and great concern as to the bias that I might introduce if I tried to communicate my conclusions to others !
19 ‘ I said from day one that I would stay until I detected a change in attitude from the people in Ireland .
20 At school I was told by the matron that I would die if I continued to lose weight .
21 I was also very anxious not to become what my family said that I would become if I left home — you know , a westernised harlot with no respect for traditions .
22 the gradient of the curve that I would get if I plotted Y against sine X.
23 Since I 'm technically retired I ca n't say that I 'll resign if you disagree with my request — and particularly that we should remove my reconstruction as quickly as is feasible , but I do feel it that strongly and I shall publish whatever you decide . ’
24 Vlado told me that I must do as he asked — but I could simply make myself appear a fool by reporting news of no consequence .
25 I wanted to light a match , but knew there were only four matches left now , and that I must wait until I reached the Bible-box where I could first make a handful of paper spills to keep the flame going .
26 No it 's to much of a , I hate saying I 'll go out at eight o'clock and tell him to be home and at quarter too eight he has n't come and oh , I 'm to tired really , but , so I 've always played it that I will help when I when I can , but uhum , I do n't go on the committee , cos then your stuck , you 've got to go .
27 No , I 've got to revise for my erm science test tomorrow and I 've got loads of stuff to do , I 've got to keep going for the weekend , actually I have n't got that much to do , I 've got drama that I can do if you just would be so kind turn over to number three so I can have a look at some adverts I 've got a , will there be any adverts after
28 But when the immigration people came I got a letter , and they said that I could stay while they finished their inquiries .
29 A " feeling of knowing " sometimes accompanies an aspect of the dream which is carried over into wakefulness ( for instance the certainty that I could fly when I had my flying dream ) .
30 I 'm just hoping that I could learn as I 'm as I 'm earning you know .
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