Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [conj] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Well whether she never saw her indicating or owt but she pulled straight out at end straight into her crushed her legs .
2 So if somebody says I 'll have a set of double glazing doors or something until they 've actually been installed he then gets paid .
3 three in the morning or something when we get there .
4 And you 'll catch pneumonia or something if you stand around half naked You need a hot drink .
5 And I think it 's signposted Penge or something and you turn right there .
6 The points about joint responsibility for assets , liabilities and profits apply whether a band member is dismissed or he or she leaves voluntarily .
7 Its a very stressful situation and its a very artificial situation , very often your on your own and there 's a lot of things happening , your in busy traffic or your on a very dangerous road or whatever and I think sometimes and I 'm not saying there 's any difference between male and female as far as that 's concerned but I think its a way of your , getting your er aggression out
8 You 're bigger than me , you 're stronger than me and you 've just proved you 're more violent than me .
9 And what I most remember is the wonderfully happy way that you and he taught together — each taking up when the other left off so freshly and amusingly .
10 Just because a child may lack wisdom and finesse does not mean that he or she lacks either intelligence or sensibility .
11 Few staff actually felt involved , even in schools where the head thought that he or she had actively tried to promote staff participation .
12 Secondly , the professional may insist upon controlling the work that he or she does rather than allowing the administrator to impose control .
13 There is , of course , much argument about what is ‘ normal ’ , but in general it should mean that every adult person lives in a home of his or her own or with chosen friends or family members , that he or she has daily purposeful occupation , whether in paid employment or not , and that the person has social contacts and interpersonal relationships which are emotionally satisfying .
14 Or it may be that one environment is over-stimulating for the child — a classroom full of other children , with colourful posters covering all the walls may be so distracting for a mildly hyperkinetic child that he or she behaves far worse than usual .
15 It was mainly from among those with a principal carer who wanted the dementia sufferer to remain at home that those who did remain at home were to be found ( if one excludes those who died or moved away , and compares place of care for those whose principal carer said initially that he or she preferred home or institutional care the difference between the two groups is significant at the 0.001 level ) .
16 ‘ When he came back he said he was going to make more money than he or she had ever dreamed of .
17 So he or she resigned rather suddenly ? ’
18 ‘ as if nothing that I 'd ever done mattered , only that I was here , part of the earth , at one with it , as they say .
19 And I but I 've never she runs off with ashtrays and ornaments , remote control , pipe lighters .
20 You know and I and I 've only recently really come to terms with how much tha those early songs were part of people 's upbringing and because of Love Hurts and everything people come up to me a lot in the street and we talk about the sixties and everything .
21 and someone and we 've now been told that we have to pay for it , and I
22 I mean I , I was quite fascinated having lunch one day with a journ a Melbourne journalist erm and this was about six months after Murdoch had taken over the Melbourne Sun all this and we were chatting away and I actually threw in the stuff which were saying about how papers are there to make profits these days so that 's what drives them and that journalists journalists on newspapers such as Murdoch 's papers , write what they 're supposed to write and she and I got quite out of with one another and and the bottom liner was that she , she absolutely totally and utterly denied what we were saying and I said to her okay if you were given a story to write you know and it was opposite to how you would view it , what would you do and she said oh well I , I would have to write it and the issue with the Murdoch papers and it 's quite interesting because I mean I 'm sure you can with other newspapers but I , I 've just got a bit more is that Murdoch never ever writes a minute or a memo to his editor or staff saying this is what the line is ever .
23 What I am suggesting is that I think if you if you concentrate only on the question of who are the chief officers that 's very important and that 's very indicative , but it 's not the whole story .
24 All you have to do is look for your own number er if you if you have hopefully you 've kept a record of the assignments where you 've earned bonus and you can claim it as soon as that number is published .
25 There especially if you if you say well I 'll take a day 's holiday .
26 Well I 'm gla glad she 's getting something done about it now cos you and she 'd just been left , sh er , had n't been persuaded she 'd have just let it go on and on and on would n't
27 Among the EC 's 166 regions there are only 17 where agriculture provides more than 10% of the regional product , and none where it generates more than 30% of the gross value added .
28 That at least is part of the traditional role assigned to us by men and one that we have never repudiated ’ .
29 The first attempt at integration through modules , and one that I rate extremely highly against all comers , is Smart .
30 There are scenes in variety , but connected by an interesting theme and one that she made particularly her own , the self-deceiver .
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