Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [adv] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , a higher dose or one not sufficiently matched to the individual will still tend to overstimulate and may then cause what are usually called side-effects .
2 My own reaction , as the latest sickening episode even exceeds in depravity and licentiousness the grossness of the last one , is that I no longer wish to be associated with a UK Government which is so lacking in moral leadership , compassion , wisdom and humanity that it can allow such a situation to continue to exist , while having the capacity to intervene .
3 Recently though , I have become less depressed with the help of antidepressants and I 've realised that I no longer want to be ill .
4 I realize that is an admission of cowardice , but one of the few consolations of approaching middle age is the fact that one no longer objects to having to admit a weakness .
5 In the years that I have had to research my Bombing Years lectures I realise now that we never really got to grips with the German defences until the latter stages of the war .
6 ‘ Although I do n't recall that we ever actually spoke to each other . ’
7 Although they too nominally subscribed to Calvinist theology , it seems unlikely that the doctrine of predestination ever made more than the most superficial inroads into their collective consciousness .
8 Later , when the Ashbury Railway Company ran into financial problems , they declared that they no longer wished to be bound by their contract with Riche .
9 Some claim that the sand-eels were being chased upwards by predators such as bigger fish , and that they no longer come to the surface because there are n't any big fish left to chase them .
10 The ‘ Busybodies and Meddlers ’ along with the new and better audiences imposed clear constraints on the showmen of the movie industry but all the problems that were posed by society were overcome , and were overcome with such decisive ease that they never again had to be confronted .
11 The young churches do not have the money to build them and so they quite rightly look to us Catholics of the rich countries of the world .
12 Every product undergoes change with the passage of time and sooner or later becomes unsatisfactory , by which is meant in this context that it no longer conforms to its specification .
13 In the absence of P , it has a shape which enables it to bind to S and convert it into A. However , a P molecule can also bind to the enzyme , typically at a site different from S. When it does so , it alters the shape of the enzyme so that it no longer binds to S. The binding of P to the enzyme is non-covalent , and hence readily reversible .
14 The major amendments are : to s 1 , CA 1985 to allow a private limited company to be formed or to operate with only one member ; to s 24 , CA 1985 so that it no longer applies to private limited companies ( so , if a company becomes a single member company as a result , say , of the transfer of the shares of one of two members to the other , the sole member will not lose the benefit of limited liability as could formerly be the case ) ; to s 122(1) ( e ) of the Insolvency Act 1986 so that it no longer applies to private limited companies .
15 The major amendments are : to s 1 , CA 1985 to allow a private limited company to be formed or to operate with only one member ; to s 24 , CA 1985 so that it no longer applies to private limited companies ( so , if a company becomes a single member company as a result , say , of the transfer of the shares of one of two members to the other , the sole member will not lose the benefit of limited liability as could formerly be the case ) ; to s 122(1) ( e ) of the Insolvency Act 1986 so that it no longer applies to private limited companies .
16 One of the more obvious disadvantages of the monist position is that it almost inevitably leads to an obliteration of the distinction between essential and inessential , or accidental ( " extrinsic " ) properties , or features of things .
17 I think there is a tendency erm for local authority planners to have horizons set by the end date of the current plan period , and work , try and work in that , sort of around the real world I think , where nothing happens , or nothing is conceivable , beyond that time period , erm , this particular approach , er does not work in the case of new settlements , there is no need when having established your design size for a new settlement that it necessarily all has to be built within current plan period , and I think this sort of approach is recognized in Cambridgeshire where , in case of the A forty five new settlement , a view was taken at an early stage that a new settlement of three thousand dwellings was needed to meet long term development needs in Cambridgeshire , an area where the planning issues and problems where very similar to those of York , and the approved structure plan in policy proposed that new settlement to be designated as three thousand , of which two thousand portion would be built within the current plan period , so it seems to me that the the question of size need not be an impediment to erm designation of a new settlement if the existing requirement and need are adjudged not to require the sort of new settlement size that we are creating .
18 The increase in flexibility may be conceded , although it should be added that it commonly only extended to the classic texts , most notably the works of Shakespeare , whose assumed centrality continued to be justified in terms both of their uniquely potent literary rhetoric , and their cultural and imaginative force within " the pool of our common experience " .
19 The biggest shortcoming of the Dobry Report , however , was that it never really came to grips with the major weakness of the development control system : its general isolation from the remainder of the planning process .
20 Fr Butler told his bosses that he no longer wanted to be a priest , but he has still not formally quit .
21 He often said that he never really wanted to be a dancer , and his only purpose was to acquire the knowledge of dancing necessary to become a choreographer .
22 Having said that , one friend is staying over until Boxing Day , and I very nearly lied to her .
23 And I only ever went to the first reunion after graduation . ’
24 I think it it it 's been suggested that er in s in some way that the employment aspect of the new settlement w would in some way prejudice erm regional objectors in in terms of Leeds regardment and I really just wanted to flag up that that I ca n't accept that , given the scale of development that that 's proposed .
25 But he 's moaning to me the other week about you know , er and I bloody near said to him , well er , things have come back on you know , but I should of
26 Because I came out of a society in which nobody even read books and I certainly never expected to be a writer .
27 Perhaps sir if I just just refer to er it 's about a page if read out the er the the summary of my statement .
28 So if I just arbitrarily write to a selection in every one of the areas we 're covering .
29 ‘ Firstly I can be bitter if I damn well want to , and secondly I 'm not your honey ! ’ she sniped witheringly .
30 These latter occasions give rise to highly acidic precipitation episodes ( sometimes producing grey or black snows resulting from the presence of lignite ash ) which are the major contributors to the total annual amount of wet deposition of sulphate in Scandinavia ( Smith and Hunt , 1978 ) and which occasionally even lead to black , acidic snowfalls in Britain .
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