Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [pron] [verb] been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The belief that they do so , and compete for household spending with the costs of other ‘ consumer durables ’ until an acceptable living standard is achieved , is one of the underlying assumptions of the ‘ New Home Economics ’ approach to the economic analysis of family size variation , although one which has been strongly attacked ( Blake 1968 ) .
2 As it does so , individuals are able to become more conscious of the assumptions about personal worth and ‘ correct conduct ’ that they themselves had been tacitly making , and to see that an alternative personal philosophy could generate greater inner strength , and decrease their dependency on other people 's approval .
3 There is one felltop , however , that everybody who has been there will remember vividly ever after .
4 The city has changed so much that anyone who has been away for a couple of years could be forgiven for thinking that he arrived in a time machine , not an airliner .
5 In ordinary parlance one might say that anyone who has been forcibly subjected to this offence has been raped ; the psychological effects are likely to be deep , and even if there is no risk of pregnancy ( as there is not from some rapes , since ejaculation is not part of the definition ) , there may be the risk of disease .
6 Hopefully , she waited for him to return to her side , but when he failed to do so she realised that whatever he had been about to say would be left unsaid .
7 Anything , but anything was better than what she had been through .
8 Now , you might feel that there is a significant difference between a murderer or bank robber and someone who has been wrongfully convicted of murder or bank robbery .
9 And someone who 's been just used to driving a car are they going to be able to drive the huge long bus with no extra
10 If somebody who has been actually shot at by a nuclear weapon is so goddamned complacent about it all , and so pig ignorant of the implications of the happening , what hope have we got that public opinion ( the silent majority ) will be sufficiently stirred to stop our power intoxicated leaders from brandishing their nuclear swords ?
11 And she and she she 'd been out she would n't come out
12 Perhaps if she herself had been more insistent on spending time with Anna … ?
13 This is a complex question , and one which has been greatly neglected by sociologists .
14 From the outset it is clear that Alfieri is a highly intelligent man , and one who has been well educated .
15 In return , he got a letter assuring him that Michael Joyce was ‘ one of the most respectable , law-abiding and loyal men in the locality , and one who has been consistently an advocate of the ‘ pro-Allied ’ cause since the beginning of the war . ’
16 Erm I ca n't tell you what time he 'll be home really erm well say in the twenty minutes he 's bound to be home cos he he 's been home and then he 's had to shoot out again , he 's gone to get the battery so he wo n't be long .
17 I certainly felt more empathy for my mother and what she had been through .
18 Something Busacher should have noticed for himself , but which he had been too busy to observe .
19 It was a long and difficult process , but one which has been so successful that it will be a major surprise if Torrance does n't qualify for the Ryder Cup at Kiawah Island in September .
20 How could Lisa know him so well , when she herself had been so naïvely blind ?
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