Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [pron] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 For example , the chief executive or clerk would be at fault in allowing a committee to do something which is not authorised by law or which he knows to be illegal .
2 Right , er riot woman , or whatever you wish to be called .
3 There 's a moment before the traffic and travel news now for me to remind you that erm if you 're the chairman or the secretary or whatever it happens to be of a particular group whether it be erm the local amateur dramatics society or er a North Yorkshire charity and you 'd like the opportunity to have some prime time publicity for what you 're doing , particularly in the run-up to the Christmas period
4 So you 're able to reward people ah with some kind of appropriate er some kind of token , a star or whatever it happens to be , some kind of token which it can then hav has a monetary value , okay ?
5 You add on that fifty percent or whatever it happens to be to the hundred percent which gives you the new figure .
6 What gives this paper its particular importance in a philosophical sense is that it implicitly raises questions about the nature of knowledge in social work — or what we take to be knowledge about social work .
7 Managing director of International Software , Richard North , says that , while the Brentford , Middlesex company generates 70% of its revenues from reselling software and providing support services to approximately 4,500 customers — or what he claims to be 20% of the UK corporate market — it earns the remaining 30% from negotiating favourable licence deals with software vendors on behalf of large organisations .
8 But once you got well into the business of the removal , y one forgets , you see , and you forget exactly what you 're carrying or what it appears to be that you 're carrying .
9 Now I am never ashamed of anything , for I consider shame to be a bourgeois and petty emotion , but this was the one occasion when I felt ashamed of myself , and I have never forgotten how sad it made me to have denied my principles for the sake of friendship and love — or what I imagined to be love .
10 You did n't really know what path to take or what you wanted to be
11 Knowing his need , the searcher asks two basic questions of anyone or anything which claims to be ‘ an answer ’ .
12 The inevitable cynic 's view that an environmental improvement is a useful marketing tool — albeit one which has to be used carefully — is an increasingly respectable one .
13 That he himself happened to be a congenital cad only made the whole thing more difficult , not easier .
14 I shall I daresay finally learn that he who wants to be loved by everyone and wants more than it is his right to have ends up with Nothing .
15 He says that anyone who wants to be noticed could drive it .
16 In view of that , we can recognize the possibility that as rational beings we fall under a system of law which we have somehow ourselves brought into being , and that it is our task while appearing to exist in the sensory world to live according to that law , in spite of the fact that what we appear to be is simply animals driven by sensory desire .
17 Counselling empathy requires constant testing because we can never be certain that what we believe to be the feelings and attitudes of the counsellees are accurate .
18 So my beliefs constitute an extremely important constraint on my behaviour and , bearing in mind that what we believe to be right or wrong is , to a large extent , learnt behaviour , that we do not inherit such beliefs , it is obvious that the source of these beliefs has to be seen as a major constraint on , and determinant of , our behaviour .
19 but there was n't said at the council , they said that they realize that what there has to be done ca n't be done so , so quickly , you see the past in what er back end of October
20 Maybe people were seeing me as something other than what I wanted to be naturally .
21 ‘ More than anything he wanted to be like you . ’
22 Crawford played Kent , one of the boys who go on strike and threaten to burn down the gym when the headmaster decides to dismiss the teacher , who has fallen in love with his son — and whom he believes to be his illegitimate daughter .
23 This portion of the ocean 's surface was also inhabited by storm petrels , but of a distinct species from any I had hitherto observed , and which I believe to be new to science .
24 It was the Kent countryside that inspired him and which he wanted to be a part of .
25 Once a woman has decided what and who she wants to be , it is for the men in her life , if there are any , to re-educate themselves to take account of her .
26 Er and we we want to be able to have a mechanism within our I S O Nine Thousand system , which enables us to tackle different jobs of different , different complexity .
27 Yet a statement of national intent concerning the learnings planned and provided for a nation 's youth is surely a document which should be available and one which needs to be open to public criticism .
28 of times and it you need to be out there
29 he 's just saying that in a group if we look at the historical background of the language , it helps to see you know how What the strong points are of the linguistic and what we need to be bolstered on .
30 As far as ho erm the H R T is erm here we go you see , this is post-natal illness this is right , we need one on that as well , but what we need to know , and what we need to be aware of , is that the discussion has to be actually put out through the members in the same sort of way as Ken and Peggy have done in the erm Midland and East Coast region and also on Working Women 's Safety , it needs to be taken on board that we are absolutely fed up , sick to death and absolutely running out of patience at having to hammer home this thing about equality .
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