Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] me [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was nicely presented , moreover , and since I had n't taken any eating irons with me I am pleased to report that nobody asked me to cup my hands together to take my Cottage Pie a la Toulon ?
2 Although she begged me to say nothing to her father , I went straight to the master and told him .
3 I remember that she asked me to guess what was inside a sort of pasty served to her on Thásos , and that I got it right at the first guess : macaroni .
4 She was so exhausted that she let me help her without protesting , and finally we sat down together near the fire with our cups of tea .
5 B H did , she used to say school run Tuesday evening , do n't make any fun , she used to block it out , the time that she wanted me to see me .
6 ‘ Then you may tell her that you ordered me to do it , ’ Theda suggested .
7 I have not often coldness with you , sweet heart ; yet I often feel that you teach me to love you .
8 And not the least wonderful thing is that you let me follow my star , and encourage me and help me ; so many women would n't .
9 a ) Heres that book you asked me to bring ( The fact that you asked me to bring it is not new. ) b ) Ive got to take the dog for a walk ( ‘ For a walk ’ is by far the most probable thing to follow ‘ I 've got to take the dog ’ ; if the sentence ended with ‘ to the vet ’ the tonic syllable would probably be ‘ vet ’ . )
10 I 've the feeling that you expect me to say something to you ?
11 The counsellor said , ‘ You are describing Sarah in a very loving and respectful way — but you sound angry when you say that you expect me to pull you up for not describing her as a lover , too .
12 But , never one to miss an opportunity , ‘ I insist that you allow me to take you to lunch , ’ he followed up , and smilingly waited .
13 And — ’ She turned her daughter 's face fully to her and cupped her cheek as she said , ‘ You must tell Daddy that you want me to bath you .
14 I surmise that you want me to tell you how Gustave was as a lover .
15 So you want me to tell your fortune ? ’ she asked .
16 But to do him justice , the Prime Minister never gave me any impression that he wanted me to succeed him … .
17 I do n't know whether it was that he wanted me to see my ‘ virtue ’ triumph over his ‘ vice ’ , or something subtler , that sometimes losing is winning .
18 I had the strange impression that he wanted me to believe he was death ; that at any moment the leathery old skin and the eyes would fall , and I should find myself the guest of a skeleton .
19 My dad did n't like to beat me , so he made me join him . ’
20 He ca n't cuddle me any more and tell me everything 's going to be all right , so he hits me to show he 's still the boss .
21 If somebody 's would l if somebody wanted me to sing I really would like to know er because
22 Tracey said you just tell Carla and you let me hear anyone say anything .
23 and you catch me catching it — — bringing your blush to the surface
24 ‘ I did and you told me to trust you and I did , and I do , but you wo n't tell me anything — ’
25 was a spent match , and you told me to drop it .
26 But when the whole sum is due , by no intendment the acceptance of parcel can be a satisfaction to the plaintiff ; but in the case at bar it was resolved that the payment and acceptance of parcel before the day in satisfaction of the whole would be a good satisfaction in regard of circumstance of time ; for peradventure parcel of it before the day would be more beneficial to him than the whole at the day , and the value of the satisfaction is not material ; so if I am bound in £20 to pay you £10 at Westminster , and you request me to pay you £5 at the day at York , and you will accept it in full satisfaction for the whole £10 , it is a good satisfaction for the whole , for the expenses to pay it at York is sufficient satisfaction . ’
27 And you expect me to believe you ? ’ she asked incredulously .
28 And you want me to introduce you , so that you can try and sell it to him . ’
29 And you want me to get you into Zimbala . ’
30 I asked her if he 'd returned home and she told me to mind my own business .
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