Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] a [noun sg] from " in BNC.

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1 For instance , I bought it from John and John sold it to me , or I received/got a letter from John and John sent me a letter are equally ‘ natural ’ as far as the phraseology of English is concerned ; their ‘ acceptability ’ is , of course , determined by the context in which they occur .
2 The ticket hall had one of those systems where you take a number from a machine by the door and wait for it to appear above one of the ticket windows .
3 Lavender again is good for headaches and it 's good if you ca n't sleep or you suffer a bit from insomnia .
4 It was the first League goal conceded by Boro in five away games , but they hit back with Stuart Ripley threatening on the left , where he had a shot from the edge of the penalty area saved by Kevin Poole .
5 ‘ The reason I rang last night is that I had a message from your publishers , ’ he went on .
6 It was about this time that I received a letter from Dr Liu Shih-Shun , Chinese Ambassador in Ottawa , who informed me that , with the imminent cessation of hostilities in Asia , the Chinese government would move back from the wartime capital of Chungking to the south central city of Nanking .
7 It was in 1972 , after I had trekked to and from Rhodesia on several occasions , and the mission in which I was involved appeared to be a triumphant success , that I received a letter from Ted Heath , who asked whether it would be acceptable to me to receive a CH ( Companion of Honour ) .
8 The official told me that the form was not enough and that I needed a letter from my dad saying he lived alone .
9 I mean , Mick has maybe a deeper one in a narrower area , so I learned a lot from him .
10 Marie would be mad if she saw that , so I rip a page from one of her mags and scrape it up .
11 But although she accepted a dressing-down from him in public , and indeed made a point of telling people ‘ Oh !
12 Although you want a commitment from a certain person , or to remove the uncertainty from a precarious situation , do n't try too hard to pin things down .
13 She did n't mention anything to you when she phoned you last week that she got a letter from me ?
14 IMAGINE that you buy a car from a local garage .
15 Apart from the fact that we made a profit from the Gulf war , may I ask the Minister to say what else was achieved by it , with Saddam Hussein still in power and carrying out his evil acts and with the dictatorship still in power in Kuwait ?
16 Erm colleagues who attended the Blackpool Conference last year will recall that there was , that we had a visit from a young boy called who was the son of one of our officers and that er was suffering from I think I recall a very severe form of leukaemia .
17 We were pleased that we had a representative from the south of Montgomeryshire but it was a pity that no one from the Dyfi Valley attended .
18 I have stressed that we construct a context from the deixis of the text ( a context being the set of possibilities which exist in the universe of discourse and situation of utterance for the interpretation of the utterance ) ; but the initial elements of the utterance must be more dense in terms of pragmatic activity .
19 but you know that er our Susan wanted to go down to erm , get her hair done this morning so erm I says to her come up here , we 'll get a taxi from here we 'll go down the hairdressers and shall permission to collect our money , so we got a taxi from here down to erm what they call that street where er that erm oh dear me Street
20 Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke says we can do a Roman banquet so we got a book from the library about what sort of food they ate .
21 Many Third World countries owe more in debts than they earn a year from exports :
22 Paul and Nasey went in to work for you , so they got a wage from the start . ’
23 Although he received a pension from Edward I after 1280 , Gaston VII of Béarn was not the most conspicuously loyal of Edward 's vassals , and his successor , Roger-Bernard III , served Philip the Fair during the Anglo-French war of 1294–8 .
24 On opening it , she found that it contained a note from Ben .
25 But when we realize that the eye is most probably Bleistein 's , we realize that it represents a degeneration from the expected human eye .
26 Bortoni-Ricardo 's main hypothesis about change in social structure associated with the change from rural to urban life is that it involves a move from an insulated network consisting largely of kinsfolk and neighbours to an integrated urban network where the links will be less multiplex and associated with a wider range of social contexts .
27 A much more effective technique is to suggest to the group that it takes a break from the task .
28 In the wild the importance of this mechanism is that it prevents a bird from becoming totally ‘ hooked ’ on one kind of foodstuff , so that if that type of seed suddenly disappears it is not left stranded .
29 However , it is increasingly clear that the scale of this challenge is such that it demands a response from a national as well as local level .
30 At first he resisted the demand for a judicial inquiry , on the grounds that there was insufficient evidence , but on April 25 he received a note from the Israeli government , informing him that it possessed a letter from Vere Bird Jr dated Nov. 9 , 1988 , which confirmed the arms order .
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