Example sentences of "[conj] [art] other [noun pl] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Dopamine is used by a more restricted number of neurones than the other neurotransmitters and their axons do not branch as extensively .
2 You could say well , Jackie took this and you got one leg on this table shorter than the other legs and we 've jammed it under there levels the table up .
3 It 's an extension of what you do on stage and it became a full=time thing really , until after it stopped and he could change and get into the Diamond Dogs period and the other albums that he made . ’
4 Well if you had er , your illness and so on , and the other debts that you may have , erm , and bearing in mind that you actually only have the nine months , you might be a little bit more er , a bit luckier than that , but how about a holiday in Disneyland ?
5 The termini post quos of these finds could be tabulated with the diagnostic contents of each context , but the value of such an exercise must be tempered by the fundamental problem of the chronological association of the coins and the other artefacts and their respective use-life .
6 ‘ And then he gave us the will and the other papers and he said to us , just before we toddled off to Morocco — ’
7 No that 's , that 's , that 's basically it and the other points that you 've covered of course .
8 ‘ The extra court sitting is on the same day as the other hearings so we have to rush between the courts .
9 ‘ Obviously he does n't train as much as the other players because we want to ensure he is in good condition for matches .
10 ‘ I would feel the same sense of pride and commitment as the other guys if I was to run out at Murrayfield with a Scottish shirt on .
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