Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 An immediate yes or no can often result and at least the individual will be forewarned when the profile arrives on their desk .
2 There was a time when your hairdryer or moisturiser would mysteriously disappear and you could be pretty certain of catching your man red handed — pinching your beauty products !
3 Again , the provisions broadly only apply to acts in the UK and it is a defence to show that a person reasonably believed that his act or conduct would not create and impression that was false or misleading .
4 The bridge was soon blocked with the dead and dying , so that survivors could not retreat and reinforcements could not be sent in to help .
5 And there 's one thing that Great-gran ca n't stand and that 's adverse publicity in any way .
6 She prayed that they would be kind to her , and that Benny would n't change and find a new friend .
7 Chen later confirmed that IBM will exclusively market and support the machine once it is available , lending the lie to gossip that the company was ready to give up on its investment in the company .
8 She cast a quick look towards the bar ; praying that Rune would soon return and save her from his mischievous lover .
9 I 'm amazed that people ca n't read and write today but it 's true .
10 Similar exercises have been undertaken by other er governments and there 's a tremendous contrast with the way those governments have actually sought to do this , with our own government , erm no publicity whatsoever has appeared yet and again I offer the minister the chance to tell us at some later point , what the government is prepared to do to exert itself on this matter and to tell us indeed whether it wants people to register erm it is n't particularly clear whether in fact this is part of er some idea that the government has that people should n't register and I think that the minister needs to be very clear about this so that people get the message outside , because nine and a half million people did n't vote , even in the last general election .
11 So there are a host of clues there if you like about the sort of things that people will actually do and these are all underlaid by an attitude .
12 Now , as well as actual planes flying in the skies , are there going to be anything else that people can actually feel and touch and see ?
13 To die from a bullet seems to be nothing ; parts of our being remain intact ; but to be dismembered , torn to pieces , reduced to pulp , this is a fear that flesh can not support and which is fundamentally the great suffering of the bombardment …
14 Octel Communications Corp , Milpitas , California has enhanced its voicemail offering with the announcement that users can now send and receive facsimile messages through their voicemail box , making the multimedia mailbox a repository for speech and facsimile messages and database information .
15 It took a long time because Louise kept interrupting with questions that Constance could n't answer and which seemed irrelevant beside the tremendous fact that Ludovico was waiting for her and she longed to run to him .
16 Here was a trait that Theo could wholeheartedly approve and support .
17 Labour 's Minister for Science will develop a national strategy to promote high-quality science and technology , so that Britain can better anticipate and respond to the challenges of the future .
18 This gradual progression means that children can really assimilate and enjoy each stage in the learning process without experiencing the negative effects of frustration .
19 Dangers exist , however , that tests could both dominate and limit the curriculum as well as reinforcing a sense of failure for children with special needs .
20 He also noted that Baldwin would rather walk and gossip , or withdraw for a Sunday evening to sit alone with Mrs Baldwin , than work on Cabinet papers or even a speech .
21 Take a week ashore at a Torba Houseparty , followed by a week on board with 8 to 14 other guests , visiting the harbours that others ca n't reach and playing with two windsurfers aboard .
22 The rigid view of the sexual division of labour previously contained within the system is being diluted , to be replaced by a scheme which assumes that women will both want and need to switch from home to paid work and back again , particularly as the special demands of dependants such as children and the elderly — for whom the system still assumes women are primarily responsible — come and go .
23 But that is to deny that women can also want and enjoy sex purely for the fun of it .
24 The fundamental assumption was that Time will always discover and avenge any act of injustice .
25 As Branch Manager Ian Davies said ‘ the excitement must have been terrific because only at this point did anyone realise that Stella could n't swim and it was only Freddy and the wet suit that were keeping her afloat ! ’
26 Note that LIFESPAN can usually store and retrieve software for foreign computer systems , though transfers to and from the user work space that LIFESPAN can address have to be carried out by the LIFESPAN user .
27 This development on the green belt of Ipswich is partly because of the Conservative Government withering away the planning powers of borough councils , who in the past would have dismissed such a planning application as this , on the grounds that housing and industry should not mix and that it is desirable to have a green buffer zone between the two .
28 Mums and Dads can just relax and enjoy the leisure facilities , including Swimming Pools , Saunas , Solariums .
29 He and Topaz would only meet and talk , and that was n't asking much from spiteful Fate .
30 Colourful pictorial brochures are circulated to all conference agencies and enquirers can then contact and discuss package deals with the hotels offering the services .
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