Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb base] [pron] [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Some home managers or owners say they do n't want to bother residents with this sort of thing .
2 No , well he was a bit of a public figure , see , and people like us do n't care for that . ’
3 I mean , you know we , we can all be very er , er liberal minded and enlightened about every body else , but when it comes to ourselves with a , and there are some exceptions and , and , and you 've identified yourselves here amongst this hundred , but a lot of us if were absolutely honest we would like to change things I mean one way or another and we all do various things , I mean we certainly wash our hair and people say you do n't need to wash your hair , if you leave it long enough it 'll wash itself , I do n't know what else you do maybe you shave bits of this and wax bits of that and
4 You see with these signs and symptoms remember you do n't have to have the whole lot a couple of them will give you an idea that this person is concussed .
5 Home video shows him enjoying a family Christmas but detectives believe he did n't live long enough to see in the New Year .
6 So we do feel that er , while children feel they do n't er have the freedom , we feel that er , er , er a very nice system , which has been socially used for , is being sacrificed because we are living in a different set-up .
7 ‘ It 's just inside the front door so when reps come they do n't interrupt the rest of the house . ’
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