Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [coord] [vb mod] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Even though they had been confirmed … in writing they remained without support or corroboration and should not have been accepted … as sufficient for the purposes of an unqualified certificate . ’
2 There are several types available ; those containing methylene chloride are quick acting and are usually free from caustic or acid and will not harm the wood .
3 Lifestyle data can identify those interested in a particular product or service but can not answer the sort of financial questions which will help the credit marketer achieve success even through a recession .
4 Some individuals are far more sensitive than others and should not consume caffeine at all .
5 The total exposure of the vendors under the warranties and indemnities shall be limited to the consideration paid and ( if higher ) the consideration that would have been paid if a dividend and any other non trading transaction ( e.g. pension fund contributions , compensations for loss of office , etc. ) had not been paid between [ date ] and completion but will not exceed £ [ ] million .
6 Visitors can reach treasures of both Tuscany and Umbria and should not miss Greve And Figline whose central squares are among the most attractive of Tuscany 's less celebrated squares .
7 Absent notice or agency whereby a creditor may be affected by the debtor husband 's improprieties towards his wife , the surety , the creditor is not concerned with what has passed between debtor and surety and need not concern itself with whether or not the surety understands the transaction , notwithstanding the relationship between the surety and the debtor and the creditor 's knowledge of it .
8 Foreign Ministry sources stressed that the visit was designed to promote friendship and goodwill and would not include an imperial apology for past Japanese actions .
9 The sole remaining restraint is the requirement that the advertising must not impair the solicitor 's independence and integrity and must not bring the profession into disrepute .
10 These co-descendants of one 's ancestors considered themselves as brothers and sisters and would not marry each other but only members of another similar group of co-descendants .
11 Electrostatic van de Graaff accelerators have excellent beam quality and stability but can not sustain high currents without energy recovery schemes , and can not produce beam energies much above 10 MeV , limiting them to operation in the far infrared ( 250–1000 ) .
12 Whatever the answer to this may be , the general policy conclusion that can be drawn is that making access and use of medical services more equitable will reduce certain aspects of class inequalities in morbidity and mortality but will not do away with them or reduce them substantially .
13 Some patients with chronic liver disease may have been followed up as outpatients and may not have been admitted to hospital during the study period and , thus , these too would not have been identified .
14 Her own grandfather had regarded doctors as tradespeople and would not have dreamed of asking one to dinner , but most people below the rank of bank manager treated doctors with awe and respect , calling them ‘ Doctor ’ all the time .
15 In the country it was the custom for the estate workers or tenants to act as both coffin- and pall-bearers , this was a necessity as the local builder often doubled up as undertaker and would not have had so many men at his command as the full-time town undertaker .
16 ‘ These things would inconvenience speeders as much as humps but would not mean half as much discomfort to passengers and drivers , ’ he said .
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