Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [adv] [vb -s] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If appraisal now reveals that it has some validity in principle , the next stage is application .
2 It 's a marvellous chance for Dana , and Roman obviously recognises that she 's an outstanding model . ’
3 In the first place , they presuppose that classes correctly perceive the constraints of their situations and modify their strategies accordingly , and Poulantzas elsewhere acknowledges that it would be extremely rash to make such an assumption .
4 But the power of this strong life-giving vibration is said to wane slowly over a 4.32 million year period , until man even forgets that he is really alive and conscious .
5 GUIL taps a hand , changes his mind , taps the other , and ROS inadvertently reveals that he has a coin in both fists . )
6 Lady Bertram advises Fanny that ‘ it is every woman 's duty to accept such a very exceptional offer ’ and Edmund also thinks that it is ‘ most advantageous and desirable ’ .
7 But Gilligan also says that she is not interested simply in data , and that her arguments do not depend on the statistical significance of her results .
8 The destination of the remaining carbon is not clear , but Sedjo now proposes that it is in fact being absorbed by the new plantations in temperate lands .
9 Prost 's result does little to further his cause in the championship if he has to drop his lower scores but Senna now knows that he must win the final two races in Japan and Australia .
10 The approach may be more considered but Burns still sounds like he was force-fed Brillo Pads as a nipper .
11 But survivalism also demands that you conquer inner threats or weaknesses , harden yourself against feeling and femininity — NWA , for example , see all women as harpies and exploiters , and prefer sadistic/anal/oral sex to anything more involving .
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