Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [adv] [verb] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 David Arthur of Barlow , Lyde & Gilbert also said that the company is the client .
2 The Criminal Law Revision Committee disagreed , recommending that a verdict of manslaughter should be possible where the use of some force was justified by the occasion and where D honestly believed that the force he used was reasonable in the circumstances .
3 Only by hitching our wagon firmly to the pioneers of the new Europe can we achieve economic growth to provide the quality of public services that people rightly demand and the prospect of higher personal wealth , choice and freedom .
4 Although France officially claimed that the release of the jets was linked specifically to Libya 's improved relations with Chad , there was intense media speculation that it represented an " arms for hostages " deal .
5 I think that Doreen now understands that a double bed will not fit into any of the chalets . ’
6 The area of suggested centuriation lies well to the north of the town on Cliffe Marshes , and Nightingale even claimed that a plot measuring 2 by I actus ( =1 iugerum ) , which features on the 1840 tithe map and is still in the possession of a single owner , was a survivor of the Roman survey .
7 But the meetings and discussions also indicated that the British , after the defeat of the Axis , could find themselves exposed to American pressure over the future of the Empire , Imperial Preference and the Sterling Area .
8 An injection was swiftly administered , and Sister correctly reported that the patient had become uncontrollable and needed sedation .
9 The group 's report and accounts also show that the six executive directors are in line to pick up £1.46 million in share option gains by July .
10 In August the KKE had expressed support for the attempted coup against Soviet President Gorbachev , and Papariga now declared that the process of perestroika " which has been presented as the political restructuring of socialism , is in fact a most savage … restoration of capitalism " .
11 As had been the case during the Exclusion Crisis , Tories and Anglicans repeatedly argued that the Nonconformists were acting on popish principles in seeking to destroy both Church and State .
12 A plaintiff is now obliged to serve with his statement of claim or file with his particulars of claim : ( a ) a medical report , substantiating all the personal injuries alleged in the statement of claim which the plaintiff proposes to adduce in evidence as part of his case at trial ; and ( b ) a statement of the special damages claimed , giving full particulars of the special damages for expenses and losses already incurred and an estimate of any future expenses and losses , including loss of earnings and pension rights .
13 Gregory of Tours and Bede both knew that the conversion of their peoples to Christianity had done something to the religion to which they were converted .
14 Sometimes dealers and clients alike wondered whether the whole thing was n't just a game of bluff .
15 Some Zuwaya and Magharba also thought that the postures adopted by their fellow tribesmen were undemocratic and retrograde , and so they too stayed away .
16 Their momentum has gone but they still creak and boulders still tumble as the flow settles .
17 In their study of civic culture in 1959 , Almond and Verba repeatedly noted that the better educated in all five countries that they studied were more likely to participate in the political process , and to believe that they could do something to change laws which they felt were unjust through the conventional channels of political participation .
18 Planners and conservationists alike agree that the building of 600 homes at the old railway works in Swindon makes good use of the site , but such land is not always available .
19 Whitby and Willis further suggest that the demand for private transport will continue to grow in spite of oil price increases , and that losses arising from over-pricing of oil are disproportionately borne by rural residents .
20 Changing patterns of life expectancy and advances in medical technology , treatment and rehabilitation also mean that the size of this subgroup of older disabled people is increasing .
21 The Exchange is being moved into the nearby Lloyd 's of London building and observers yesterday suggested that the effect on its business would be small .
22 The most serious swings and cart-wheels usually occur when the wind gets under the wing-tip so that the down wind tip scrapes along the ground .
23 Everyone drives on the left , the traffic lights are red , green and amber and people still wait until the lights turn to green before signalling that they 're turning right , leaving you stuck behind them .
24 It is worth noting how paternal authority overrode differences in occupational status and in income : in this particular case the father was a canteen cook , and Zuwaya generally considered that a lower occupation than one deemed intellectual .
25 However , Furness and District reluctantly concluded that the time had come for the introduction of an annual limit ; whilst Cardiff and District suggested that the question of re-insuring the compensation fund liability be reconsidered .
26 Whether Churchill and Beveridge really believed that the exchanges could successfully redirect young people away from ‘ uneducative ’ labour is doubtful .
27 This was disingenuous , for the policy in practice would involve greater State intervention , and Beveridge certainly thought that the share of resources taken by the State would rise markedly .
28 Benny and Ace also staggered as the main explosions hit , dust pouring on to them from above .
29 Butler and Glass therefore concluded that the CNV asymmetry relates to differential hemispheric activation rather than to handedness .
30 Durnford and Kimura therefore concluded that the right hemisphere is specialised for the perception of depth cued by retinal disparity .
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