Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [noun pl] [prep] [det] the " in BNC.

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1 Governors will require information about their school 's staffing structure , including the duties and responsibility allowances of all the teaching and non-teaching ( support ) staff .
2 The implications of the moves towards greater E C integration for the sector , encouraging the development of effective networks , of voluntary organisations across the community as a whole , and building relationships with all the institutions , of the European Community to ensure that the interests of the voluntary sector in the United Kingdom are both maintained and arguable enhanced .
3 The £5m bid is twice as much as the offer from Argyll which owns the Presto and Safeway chains for half the ground in 1987 .
4 He also plans to take out full-page newspaper advertisements , listing the names and telephone numbers of all the members of the Knesset who opposed repealing the law .
5 With your Wundercheck vouchers , we will enclose documentation listing the names , locations and telephone numbers of all the participating hotels .
6 Then they re-peopled the village , opening up the doors and window vents of all the cottages , and letting the moorland winds blow through , raising up spectres of dust and shrouds of dislodged spider 's web .
7 It lists the names , addresses and phone numbers of all the union 's offices and officers , at national , district and branch level .
8 Gilt edges , vellum , and morocco , and presentation copies to all the libraries will not preserve a book in circulation beyond its intrinsic dates …
9 Mr Large also proposes to set clear standards and performance measures for all the regulators — numbers of visits to regulated firms , speed of response to complaints and so on — that can be easily monitored by the SIB and by the investing public .
10 Going back to the your mining background , erm after the Strike were were your father and grandfather members of both the Nottingham Miners Associa Association and the industrial union ?
11 There had been another bad raid on Sunday night but soldiers and gangs of workmen were clearing the roads of the debris from shattered buildings and fire crews from all the surrounding districts had come to help fight the numerous fires .
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