Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [was/were] [adv] give to " in BNC.

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1 At its most blatant , posts which had once been the preserve of dons from Oxford or Cambridge were now given to businessmen .
2 Scholars and gentlemen were much given to complaining of the venality and corruption of stationers , but Martyn was to a large extent an exception .
3 The social historian can now fit this slump into the wider pattern of events that was to add up to the Great Depression but at the time motion-picture executives in production and distribution were more given to introspection than to socio-economic analysis .
4 If preference was still given to diplomacy , force ( alone or in co-operation with Britain ) was not ruled out — especially in defence of oil supplies to Europe against any threat , Arab or Soviet .
5 Visitors were expected to pay in advance but credit was always given to favourites like Modigliani and Leon Trotsky the Russian revolutionary .
6 Had it been a ploy it would have been a rewarding one , but Vanessa was not given to ploys .
7 For example , if you are unfairly made redundant because consideration was not given to offering you another job , your compensation might be discounted to take account of the fact that , had proper consideration been given , you might still not have been offered that job .
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