Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] over the " in BNC.

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1 Political conflicts normally took the form of struggles between parties or individuals for influence over the ruler , struggles in which the victor secured the all-important privilege of easy access to him and in which the vanquished were dismissed , disgraced or exiled .
2 This represents a difference or rather gross profit of 65p per dozen or £14.98 per bird over the same period .
3 BankAmerica Corp 's Bank of America has chosen MCI Communications Corp as its primary long-distance carrier in a deal that will mean more than $250m in revenue over the four-year life of the contract , MCI said , without revealing the terms .
4 The major bloc-based classification reflects the economic , political and cultural-ideological struggle between capitalism and communism for control over the global system .
5 The report continues with a list of cases in which disputes over fixtures in listed building led to a public enquiry , a court case , or both and concludes with a section entitled ‘ How to make the legislation more effective ’ , which provides advice to owners , information on Stop Notices and calls for control over the sale of fixtures .
6 Now a fully revised and updated 2nd Edition brings the topic right up to the minute by taking into account the many significant developments and advances made in medical knowledge and research in AIDS over the past two years .
7 The relation between the theory and practice of perspective over the next four centuries is examined in detail .
8 With the growing scientific knowledge of the causes of both sudden infant death and cancers in childhood over the years has grown the equally important knowledge of the benefits gained from support for the family .
9 … in every Department a store of knowledge and experience in the subjects handled , something which eventually takes shape as a practical philosophy , or may merit the title of a departmental philosophy … in most cases the departmental philosophy is nothing more startling than the slow accretion and accumulation of experience over the years …
10 From the perspective of the NHS , considerable health gains and reductions in expenditure over the longer term could be achieved by expanding health promotion work with older people , a previously neglected group .
11 ‘ Oh , do n't be ridiculous , Giles , calm down , calm down , come and have a nice Perrier water , ’ said Liz , taking his other arm , and , with Kate , attempting to lead him away from the fracas , as one would a child in a playground from its tormentor ( for Giles 's antagonist Paul Hargreaves , pale faced , dark suited , silver-grey tied , was smiling calmly with a horrible amusement at this distressing scene ) : but the desperate Giles was beyond leading , and fell back heavily as he attempted to disengage himself from his two intercessors , crashing into a large fern and some pots of bulbs and sending earth and splashes of champagne over the carpet .
12 Casually trailing something black and sort of flimsy over the chairback .
13 Rowing was transformed in the breadth and depth of participation over the 30 years of his term .
14 The HP4 requirement refers to the additional land to be allocated to ensure an adequate supply and choice of land over the Structure Plan period 1984–96 .
15 DAVID WALSH argues that Ireland can no longer rely on fire and fury to paper over the cracks in a country where there are fifteen gaelic footballers for every rugby player .
16 Colchester Institute members of the University and College Lecturers union , NATFHE , have decided to take strike action because negotiations with management over the new contracts are breaking down .
17 It is possible , however , that quick approximations could be devised that would reduce the work-load by a factor of 5 , while improvements in hardware over the next few years may well absorb the rest .
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