Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So if you take er another example erm most American states , the majority , have er a sales tax of some sort , equivalent to VAT as we would call it , er most of them have a property tax , equivalent to rates or council tax or whatever you want to call it now , er and the majority have an income tax as well , a state income tax .
2 So whilst you might think it 's a nice idea to make a change to some procedure or work instruction or whatever you want to call it , there may be the odd occasion on which it 's not actually possible to bring in a change because we 're faced with still er meeting the requirements in the base er I S O Nine Thousand document .
3 when it comes to looking for x-ray or path lab or whatever it is but finding your way out .
4 Better job or whatever or pay rise or whatever you can increase
5 I 'm not sure that withholding diplomatic recognition is the best way to approach that , after all diplomatic recognition is concerned really with the effective control of territory and things like that rather than with moral principles , however , I think that er , when the Soviet Republics are signing their new Union Treaty or Commonwealth Treaty or whatever it 's going to be called by that time , this question should be amongst the most important to be tackled there , that 's to say the rights of ethnic minorities living in Republican Territories , that they should have the right to educate their children in their own language , that they should have the right to their own religion and so on and so forth .
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