Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] back at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You can also find that grass dies back at the edges of the slot . ’
2 PARISHIONERS and clergy looked back at the past year on Sunday when Headley 's annual vestry and parish meetings were held at the Church Centre .
3 Ian and Barbara arrive back at the villa first , only to face the impossible task of trying to tell the Doctor and Vicki about their adventures while they are so full of their own .
4 When Tallis looked back at the leader he was slowly sitting up , reaching for his sword .
5 When Ace arrived back at the hospital with Petion- and the Doctor , she found Howard talking animatedly , but not entirely cheerfully , to a hawk-faced man in Marine uniform and what she thought of as a Smokey-bear hat .
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