Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] down on the " in BNC.

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1 The voice at the other end of the line obliged and Donna pressed down on the cradle to sever the connection before ringing the new number .
2 Men from the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders berthed on the ship and on one occasion she had war scars inflicted on her when a bomb fell on Portland Place and debris rained down on the top deck gouging pieces out of the timbers .
3 Kiah and Rilla sat down on the expensive green and black chairs and looked at the expensive flowers on the tables .
4 Léonie and Thérèse knelt down on the parquet floor .
5 Some of the mud and rubbish washed down on the two houses Picture : PHIL MICHEU
6 He let her go abruptly , walking out of the barn , and Jenna sat down on the bottom step of the dusty wooden stairs .
7 Everyone claps a little and Peter sits down on the drum stool .
8 There were also some complicated sleeping arrangements to juggle : all Emma 's friends were to stay in the ‘ commun ’ while most of the rest of the young people brought sleeping bags and pillows to put down on the marquee floor .
9 Spell after spell crashed down on the Dark Elves , the carnage was too awful to contemplate .
10 The two of them looked at it , as blood dripped down on the cold linoleum .
11 As dialogue continues down on the floor the Inlay Operator prepares for the first of his ‘ big moments ’ ; the establishing shot of the city as seen by the time-travellers .
12 As Hrun bore down on the dragonlord Liartes ' sword came up wickedly , to be caught on the branch .
13 " Well , " Graham said awkwardly as Sara sat down on the small bed , " that 's us told . "
14 I 'm surprised to find it so quiet and peaceful , ’ Julie said as Laura sat down on the bench once more .
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