Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] he from [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Shocked is making plans to sail with her father , who long ago began building a boat , until marriage and fatherhood distracted him from finishing it .
2 Certified accountant Tony Berry , former chairman and chief executive of the Blue Arrow employment agency and one time darling of the City , faces action by the Department of Trade and Industry to disqualify him from acting as a company director , following publication of a highly critical DTI inspectors ' report into Blue Arrow 's management .
3 Weakness kept him confined to his room most of the time and an overwhelming sense of guilt , remorse and failure prevented him from doing anything about writing to Liza .
4 Ralph Gibson L.J. , in a powerful dissenting judgment , concluded that both principle and authority prevented him from reaching the same conclusion .
5 The need to do this could arise when time and space prevent him from having immediate contact with his source of succour , as would occur for example , on hunting expeditions .
6 Denis patiently instructed Joey in what to do and he and Michael kept him from talking too loudly .
7 Bishop levelled his gun , but Tiw prevented him from getting a clear view of the target .
8 He ex husband George Hailes pleaded not guilty to cruelty , but magistrates banned him from keeping a dog for 6 months and ordered him to contribute towards prosecution costs .
9 Drifting into the Colonial Office because deafness prevented him from taking up a career in the regular army , he brought with him a romantic conception of empire stimulated in the first instance by Kitchener 's Omdurman campaign and encouraged with appropriate reading matter by his father .
10 There were Sundays when Dadda did n't come to lunch , when depression kept him from stirring out of doors .
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