Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] [adv prt] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 After all , when our western doctor 's diagnosis or treatment turns out to be ineffective we may regard him as a useless quack , but we do not also conclude that the entire system of medical science is erroneous .
2 The fact that Christopher turned out to be an east European too hardly caused a ripple in Jane .
3 The first thing that Nigel got down to was , as I expected , fixing up his hi-fi , and on our very first evening that vast area reverberated with the great big beautiful noise of ‘ Also sprach Zarathustra ’ , so I felt truly at home .
4 Profits were divided amongst those who had helped out , and payment turned out to be at a substantially smaller rate .
5 The knumdrum where the people have gone has now been answered because the amount of domiciliary care needed to keep them out of residential places to meet their needs and wishes turns out to be very much less than we expected , on average less than seven hours a week .
6 On close inspection , several of the demonstrations of a dissociation between latent inhibition and habituation turn out to be of less theoretical significance than they first seemed .
7 But if marriage turns out to be less than satisfactory in the arena of personal fulfilment , this is not only for the marriage partners .
8 While Bourdieu 's self-deprecatory claims to priesthood and orthodoxy turn out to be a cover for a very avant-garde sociology of culture .
9 And Gabby turned out to be particularly good , which saved him from having to do the usual terrible , crap jobs that the Hawaiians had to do , and he ended up playing for a living in just about every joint in Hawaii — and there were lots of them in those days , because live music was a big thing .
10 Inputs of cereals and bottling and packaging turn out to be particularly important in employment terms .
11 If , as was entirely possible , he found nothing and Vic turned out to be an innocent eccentric , this action would be inexcusable .
12 Their small mission accomplished , Tennyson and Hallam sank back to being tourists , and Tennyson never forgot the scenery around Cauterets , which he associated for the rest of his long life with the happiness he had felt when travelling there with the beloved but now dead Hallam .
13 The bird was sent off to be identified by a taxidermist and Uncle turned out to be right .
14 Janina 's family , Methodism and history turned out to be the answers .
15 But Morris turned out to be completely uninterested in all three .
16 Andrew of Moray died of wounds received during the battle , but Wallace went on to be proclaimed Guardian of Scotland , and was given the accolade of knighthood by dignitaries still claiming , like himself , to represent the absent Balliol .
17 Do n't permit the unions ' political levy-paying members a ballot to have their say on the leadership contest , because democracy turns out to be too expensive .
18 The two other sisters , Miranda and Janet , go radically different ways ; Janet becomes a Tory , while Miranda grows up to be a very conscious feminist .
19 Firstly , in the government 's calculations , it had allowed only an increase of 4 per cent in the spending of local authorities over the expenditure under the last year of the rating system , whereas inflation turned out to be in excess of 7 per cent .
20 She had given her kisses to a clown , he wrote , and was much gratified when MacBride turned out to be a drunken bully .
21 The journey , however , proves to be a descent into hell , for Comala turns out to be a ghost town which has been devastated by the oppression of his father , the tyrannical landowner Pedro Páramo , and whose few remaining inhabitants live in despair , convinced that they have been banished forever from the grace of God .
22 Which is why it always surprises me when people turn out to be such bad listeners .
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