Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [noun] [modal v] [be] give " in BNC.

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1 A decision is ‘ correct ’ if it is made by that person within the legal system to whose opinion on the existence of fact or law effect will be given by the executive .
2 No reductions or credit notes will be given under circumstances amounting to a ‘ force majeure ’ which means : war or threat of war , riot , civil strife , industrial dispute , terrorist activity , accident , natural or nuclear disaster , fire , airline failure , closure of airport or ports , and adverse weather conditions .
3 A formal creditors ' meeting was held in August where it was agreed that Hook Harris would be given three years to pay back its debts under the supervision of Andersen partners John Talbot and Martin Fishman .
4 However , Mr Readman said he would be happy to attend a meeting and recommended that Mr Kirwan should be given another award .
5 They also discussed a proposal by Jacques Delors , the President of the EC Commission , that East Germany should be given preferential status as a potential EC member .
6 This might suggest that octreotide injections should be given at least 45 minutes after a meal .
7 The precise nature of the tax incentives remains to be decided , but it appears the ECMT is proposing that motor manufacturers should be given clear incentives to make more environmentally friendly vehicles .
8 More demonstrably , however , there has in the past been evidence of some feeling in Parliament that the Comptroller and Auditor General should be given the power to audit all public money voted by Parliament , including that voted to nationalized industries .
9 And Strudwick is hoping to hear that the Sports and Arts Foundation will be giving him £250,000 to develop a new administrative headquarters at the Palace .
10 Around 50 congressmen have supported a resolution by House of Representatives majority leader , the Democrat Richard Gephardt , which warns that under the Dunkel plan , " national sovereignty to set domestic environmental , health , safety and labour standards will be given away to foreign countries " .
11 Mr Will would help on Works , and Miss Hamlet and Dr Alexander would be given instruction in DOS , including the EDLIN text editor .
12 Mr Jones was out but would most certainly be in touch when he came back , and yes , the police had phoned and Mr Jones would be given the message as soon as he came in .
13 Not only have I never been mobbed at Sainsbury 's but I had been assured that the likes of Sheridan Morley and Julia Mackenzie would be giving their all .
14 Food and beverage departments will be given a detailed schedule of meals required .
15 UTU also warned that the imminent merger of the Exams and Assessment and Curriculum councils must not be ‘ a cosmetic exercise ’ and teachers unions should be given places as of right on the new body .
16 In view of what you , Mr. Speaker , have had to say about the Consolidated Fund Bill , can you give some assurance that , if this matter about Maxwell and him laundering money is raised , you will ensure that people such as Arthur Scargill and Peter Heathfield will be given special tickets to sit in the Gallery so that they can hear the debate and so that they can draw the attention of various channels to the fact that perhaps Mr. Lightman should investigate the missing Maxwell millions , and perhaps we can find out whether Roger Windsor , Mr. Maxwell 's nark , was paid £50,000 out of the Daily Mirror 's missing millions .
17 Tickets can be purchased from Monday 9th March , Friends of YEMF and York Residents will be given priority until Monday 23rd March .
18 Queen 's University brother and sister Stuart and Sandra Boomer will be giving midweek lectures a miss over the next three days .
19 For where it has been drawn is everywhere ; from the insistence of Thorndike , and the early behaviourists like Watson and Hull , that all is to be explained , including human behaviour , in terms of conditioned reflexes , to the open-handedness of well-meaning liberationists like Rollin who argue that even worms and sea anemones should be given the benefit of the doubt since we can not be certain that they do not feel pain and therefore have a consciousness ( 1981 : 31 ) .
20 If the workshop is planned to accompany a module of nursing experience , the ward and school objectives can be given so that the learner comes to see the ward and school staff as a complete team .
21 The keys cover eleven types of payment and eight miscellaneous keys cover the major credit cards , all with programmable limitations to alert the operator when management authorisation must be given to accept vouchers over a certain limit .
22 They would like men to accept more domestic responsibility , and they believe that , just as childcare allowances should be given to help women who want to return to work , there should be equally generous financial incentives for women to stay home .
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