Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [modal v] [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Your college or lecturers may have provided you with a selected list .
2 ‘ Get up and behave yourself or Marie will have to take you back to the nursery , ’ their father ordered .
3 Informal groups or cabals may develop to impose their will on an organisation or to pursue a course of action in opposition to official policy .
4 ‘ Because , ’ Doctor Agrippa intervened , ‘ he probably thought that you or Shallot would have discovered something during your travels in Scotland and France to trap him . ’
5 Or Bonanza could have figured she was better out of the way .
6 I 'd rather been hoping Lewis or Verity might have asked me what the file contained by now , and what I was doing , but — annoyingly — neither of them had .
7 So either investment will also fall or companies will have to raise lots of fresh cash .
8 ‘ Illness or accident could have isolated him somewhere .
9 The true owner or owners would have to reveal themselves by going to court to have it removed .
10 Really there was no other word for it , though only he or Mervyn could have said it .
11 Well of course , no , I mean more can be done all the time er clearly there are some quite difficult areas about priority and where people would choose to invest their money , but certainly in the long run AIDS H I V is a crucial issue facing society , drugs misuse or drugs use is an absolutely integral part of that whole problem .
12 In regga a producer frequently utilises the same backing track for several different vocals , but only Steely & Clevie would dare let them all play at once on a dub , allowing several different melodies to fight it out for dominance of a different rhythm .
13 He may have had it planned as a mausoleum before his death or friends may have erected it to his memory .
14 In extreme circumstances the customer or supplier may seek to use its strong position and extract personal benefits in return for giving its consent .
15 It was such a freak open accident that no amount of preparation or legislation could have prevented what the boy did on that particular occasion .
16 Your education or training will have taken you far above the ordinary man although allowing for a proper pride in such an achievement , it does not require you to become intolerant of others not so fortunate .
17 What , after all , could be wrong with providing at least some good schools in the inner cities , to which parents would be committed and where pupils would have to keep their heads down and work , on pain of being thrown out ?
18 Not sure of the reception she would get if she spoke to the other girl , not sure what her mother or Feargal might have told her , she was about to duck back into her room when Terry turned .
19 Or Hilary could have kept her away . ’
20 Unfortunately this is often impracticable — particularly in cases of substantial relocation , where employees will have to move their homes .
21 This was a side of both women he had never seen , although Charley could have enlightened him .
22 Although I know that in these matters there is almost no limit to what people will do , I am horrified that Victoria should have subjected herself to an Aids test and — as I have heard happens — the offers of emotional counselling and financial advice .
23 He could have had anything that money could buy to cure him , but I can see it 's too late now . ’
24 When Rebecca Kraemer remarked , as the last murmurs of the slow movement died away , that it was such a pity the conductor was still following the now-discredited Haas edition , she was telling everyone within earshot — which included half the audience — everything that Alison could have wanted them to know but naturally would n't have dreamt of mentioning herself .
25 The striking thing about cases such as these is not that they failed — that is only to be expected — but rather that they contain suggestions that a proper claim might meet with success , although difficulty might attend mounting it .
26 On a positive note , I welcome the fact that schools will have to disclose their GCSE and A-level results .
27 It follows that schools will need to re-think their allocation and use of teacher time .
28 Bad enough that Richard should have annexed his girl friend , without being left with Richard 's boring wife …
29 DARWIN 'S theory predicts that animals will strive to maximise their genetic contribution to the next generation .
30 One criticism that was levelled at calculators when they were widely available was that kids would start using them and really would n't understand basic arithmetic .
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