Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [be] still [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The term ‘ AIDS-related complex ’ or ARC is still used by some doctors for HIV-related illness which does not meet the AIDS definition .
2 This file should be updated to insert the following lines ( ensuring that DECNET is still running at the point when the commands will be executed ) :
3 In SYSHUTDWN.COM , insert the following lines ( ensuring that DECNET is still running at the point when the commands will be executed ) :
4 However , he added that investigations were still proceeding over another accident which happened 12 days before Mr Doncaster 's death .
5 The Kazakhstan President , Nursultan Nazarbayev , was also initially unenthusiastic over the exclusively Slav composition of the Commonwealth , and at a meeting on Dec. 9 between Nazarbayev , Gorbachev and Yeltsin , who was acting as the envoy of the Commonwealth , he said that Gorbachev was still needed as a central force .
6 First of all , DeFries , by this time , had set up his headquarters in New York although David was still headquartered in London .
7 A lawsuit implies that Stratford was still living in 1634 .
8 She hoped that Maggie was still looking after the jeweller whose name Sarah had a struggle to remember .
9 Silence hung on the air , and when he turned back he saw that Suragai was still watching as if he did not understand what had occurred .
10 But analysts warned that troubles were still brewing for the trade position as the UK maintains its deficit despite the longest recession since 1945 .
11 Those assets include Minder , Rumpole of the Bailey and The Bill , although Carlton is still negotiating with Thames for any future productions of The Bill for the ITV network .
12 It seems that China is still smarting over Britain 's decision to suspend the work of the JLG in the wake of the Tiananmen Square massacre .
13 Responding to criticism from neighbouring countries , including Russia , the Chinese authorities said that they had always exercised restraint in nuclear testing and that China was still committed to a complete ban on nuclear testing within the framework of effective nuclear disarmament .
14 A papyrus of the Middle Kingdom , Papyrus Prisse , recounts " The Instruction for Kagemni " , teachings of wisdom supposedly written for his benefit by his father and which demonstrate that Kagemni was still remembered in the Twelfth Dynasty .
15 Scott asked , noticing that Gregson was still gazing at Carol .
16 Edgar 's male chauvinism ( though this was a phrase not yet current ) and his expectation that his work was always , would always be of greater importance , than her own — these were aspects of their mutual dissatisfaction , no doubt , although both were , decades later , to concede that Edgar at this time was paying a high psychological price for having renounced his theatrical ambitions ( old Cambridge friends of his already had their names in lights in the West End , while he was a mere house officer ) and that Liz was still suffering from the trauma of confronting her mother with her total , final defection .
17 An application for social work department funding has been turned down , and although staff are still negotiating with the health board and the social services policy committee , the outlook seems bleak .
18 I THINK it is a great shame that people are still discriminated against because of their appearance .
19 Trading at Sherwood has been strong , showing that people are still spending on low ticket underwear despite cutting down on outerwear .
20 As of late February Monrovia was said to be calm , with emergency food and other supplies flowing in , and some shops reopening , although relief agencies emphasised that people were still dying from starvation .
21 It became clear that Iran was still aiming at a battlefield victory , posing specific preconditions for an end to the war : reparations and the removal of Saddam and his entire regime .
22 For although works were still passed to productive intermediaries , their general ownership tended to remain in the producer 's hands .
23 ‘ Richard Arnold , the Blackbury-based chairman of the Arnco Group , said in Florida today ’ , ’ she said , ‘ ‘ that scientists are still trying to r … r … regain control of Arnsat 1 , the multi-million pound com … communications sat … ellite — ’ ’
24 On 5 May 1951 passenger services were withdrawn from Barnton although coal was still conveyed to Davidsons Mains .
25 Gilbert had scurried back to Rohmer and Jimmy could see that Rohmer was still sitting on the desk near the back double-doors where they had left him .
26 Even so , it remains true that the performance of the individual is a function of the way he developed skills in his earlier more formative years and the way in which his capacities and skills are still changing in the work environment .
27 Although the wind had moderated slightly and backed gradually to the NNW a very heavy sea remained in the moderate gale and visibility was still reduced in the overcast conditions with rain squalls .
28 The crime remained unique , and lawmakers were still squabbling over the ramifications .
29 Healers who use their hands rather than pills and potions are still treated with scepticism .
30 George Heriot 's generosity founded the School some 350 years ago and this spirit of giving and caring is still nurtured in our pupils , so an important feature of the Junior School calendar is the charity support programme .
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