Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [adv] [vb -s] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The second is transfer pricing : a subject which has received considerable attention in academic study , but where practice frequently seems to be restricted to what in theory may be regarded as the least satisfactory approaches .
2 But if , by any chance , the reporter 's wife or husband also happens to be an Environmental Health Officer somewhere else , and happens to know that he or she is going off to do an interview , and say , ‘ Hey .
3 Where goodwill still has to be valued in relation to payments to outgoing partners , one of two bases is likely to be used : ( 1 ) excess profits , that is to say the amount by which an outgoing partner 's profit share exceeded ( a ) what he might have been expected to earn as an employed solicitor , and ( b ) the income he might have been expected to receive from investing his capital contributions in safe securities ; or , and much more frequently , ( 2 ) the average net profits of the partner concerned .
4 It is argued that these groups have a vested interest in distorting reality to ensure that America always appears to be under threat so that they can force the president and Congress to finance the lavish and unnecessary programmes which they desire .
5 What they learn in such a case is , of course , only a rule of thumb ; for if criticism sometimes has to be prescriptive , its prescriptions are never applicable except ‘ by and large ’ .
6 Current high levels of unemployment can be accounted for without recourse to an explanation from technology ; consumer appetite for yet more goods and services still appears to be insatiable ; and even those economists who advance reasons why new technology might cause unemployment at some point in the future acknowledge that just at present the likelihood is that it will cause labour shortages rather than an overall labour surplus .
7 Graduate recruitment in many businesses and industries now tends to be evenly split , and companies will not be able to afford to lose a large chunk of talent in which so much money has been invested , especially as women in any case tend to be less tempted by the ‘ grass is greener ’ syndrome .
8 But he added : ‘ Why is it that while the means for achieving happiness have never been greater , the incidence of stress and depression also seems to be greater than ever before ? ’
9 To cope with these feelings of helplessness and infantile-like dependency on external events and factors there has to be a myth which allows for the possibility of being heroic , apart from being a martyr .
10 Science and technology thus ceases to be seen as autonomous but rather as part of an interesting system in which the internalised ideological assumptions help to determine the actual experimental designs and theories of the scientists and technologists themselves .
11 They are likely to want a sum of £250 for the use of the song , but permission also needs to be sought from A&M Licensing if you intend to use Sting 's recording of the song ( they may want a fee too ! ) ( 21/6 ) .
12 Actions under the Act differ from those at common law in that the consumer does not have to prove fault , but causation still needs to be established and the burden of proof is on the consumer .
13 Some of the girls from HiBrazil were teasing him , but Fritz always pretends to be charmed .
14 Since manufacture always has to be practised upon materials , its first implication is that it may show signs of the constraints these materials bring to the technological process ( Gombrich 1979 : 63–94 ) .
15 Now , as Darwin sees it , at this time , for a change to be an adaptation it must be more than merely hereditary and advantageous ; it must be necessary rather than accidental , elicited , that is , by the very conditions that make it advantageous , as albinism sometimes seems to be by cold .
16 Prost 's observations need to be weighed against his mounting paranoia as Senna continually proves to be the faster of the two but , when you see only one member of the McLaren-Honda management standing by Prost 's car on the grid in Spain while five key people fussed around Senna , Prost 's fears would appear to have substance .
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