Example sentences of "[adv] much [conj] [pron] [vb base] it " in BNC.

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1 You may not want to get up and run a race immediately after eating but you should not eat so much that you find it difficult to climb a flight of stairs .
2 I 've thought about it so much and I feel it must and can be something wonderful for all of us .
3 You know the sort of thing I mean : ‘ For as much as ye do it unto one of these my children — ’
4 As a textile man I do n't mind woolliness too much but I do object to vagueness because this motion is so vague that it can mean as much as you want it to mean while , at the same time , it says to little as to leave an escape route for it 's supporters .
5 remember ours , it would not be flat smells of cat but not only that if it weed on me carpet as much as I love it I might get a
6 Over large tracts of the country , especially in the west and the north , and to a considerable extent in the south-east also , the pattern of field and and hedgerow , hamlet and farm , road and lane , had established itself pretty much as we know it .
7 very much but we think it important that you .
8 But nevertheless , they 're very much as I see it , on the border .
9 I do n't know what it is , but it oh it 's carrying me down , I know that much and I have it for years and years .
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