Example sentences of "[adv] being used [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 demisters , di demisters , windscreen wipers and washers , keep windscreens , windows , lights , direction heaters , reflectors and mirrors and number plates clean and clear , do not drive with the defect upon suitable exhaust system , if L plates have been fitted , remove or covering , when the vehicle is not being used with the driving instruction or practice .
2 There are many problems associated with the use of teaching accommodation that are probably not unique to Oxford Polytechnic : for example , bunching of teaching in the middle of the week with under-use of rooms on Monday and Friday , and rooms not being used at the booked times .
3 One participant argued that it had potential , but that that potential was not being used to the full .
4 Mm yes , erm since the home office secretary 's initiative it 's progressing quite well , with interest from certainly Bassett , Newark Stanton on the Wolds Tollerton and some other of the rural Coldfield areas were interested in going forward , Bassett looked very very interested , we went to a meeting last night , eighteen parish councils were represented , er Beckingham is going to be the first one , they 've got a special that lives there who 's gon na take up the work , Superintendent came down last night to do a circular of em a questionnaire around the village and parish to get find out what people want , and then go and see what the specials able to provide and meet the two together and get some sort of contractive agreement , he 'll work from the police house there , he 'll have access to the car , when it 's not being used by the rural officer , also his radio .
5 It seems to me that , if we are spending £3 million on training someone to fly a fast jet and if , when he leaves the force — there are a lot of people leaving before their time is up — he is not being used in the reserve forces , that is a tremendous waste of a national resource .
6 Roman bronze coins of the early second century BC were still being used in the first century AD , and very little bronze coinage was made between about 150 and 20BC .
7 It has been used successfully in the drilling of the first extended-reach well to the offshore extension of the Sherwood reservoir lying under Poole Bay and is now being used for the second well being drilled .
8 Outside the Company Office , Charles was given a walking stick and marched up and down the stone courtyard with other officers between the granary in which the platoons were barracked and long low buildings nearby , previously the administrative block and now being used for the same purpose in military terms .
9 It is now being used by the major French bridge builder Baudin Chateauneuf , on a new motorway bridge , the Pont de la Planchette .
10 Not only does the use of peptic ulcer drugs increase , but the drugs are increasingly being used by the oldest users in the population .
11 Both methods are currently being used at the Nuclear Structure Facility ( NSF ) at the Daresbury Laboratory near Warrington .
12 All of these sources of evidence are currently being used in the interior restoration of Duff House , near Banff .
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