Example sentences of "[adv] because he do n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He did n't want you to see it , perhaps because he does n't want to know the truth as yet . ’
2 Perhaps because he did n't care for her too much , he 'd replied honestly , and told her she was right .
3 If only because he did n't have it to give — he 'd sent it off with his first letter .
4 What else am I supposed to think when my school mate was posted to the area especially because he did n't like black people . '
5 Fangorn looks long at the two hobbits when they tell him Gandalf is dead ; he does so because he does n't believe them , having seen Gandalf himself a couple of days before .
6 Eventually his licence was taken away because he did n't have enough horses .
7 And at that point he made his chair tip over because he did n't know any either .
8 ‘ He would n't have been able to anyway because he did n't know what players we have available , ’ said Mr Moran .
9 Big speeches — just because he does n't like them , just cutting them out . ’
10 It had grown stale and ugly and he 'd left the Party the first time they sent the tanks in , but he did n't stop believing in the dream , the illusion , the myth , any more than he stopped believing in the Devil just because he did n't think there was a God .
11 ‘ He wants people to have a square deal just because he did n't have one . ’
12 ‘ I think it is very important to encourage younger women to see that it is possible to combine a career with having a family , that you do n't miss out on your children — my son wakes up every Saturday so excited that it 's the weekend , not because he does n't have a lovely time during the week , but because there 's nothing for him quite like his parents . ’
13 If it picks an insider or a retiree , then we will all be back to writing the company 's obituary in three months ' time so it has to be an outsider , and one name canvassed that should be crossed off the list at once is that of ‘ Neutron ’ Jack Welch , boss of General Electric Co — not because he does n't have the capability but because he does not have a background in the computer industry .
14 Stuart is n't much use , to be honest , not because he does n't enjoy shopping , but because he likes everything I try on .
15 Not because he did n't love her any more , it 's cos he 's having this fling with this Diane .
16 Not because he did n't have faith in his own production .
17 He was upset because she was upset , not because he did n't like her .
18 Dad would n't have let me , but he held back because he did n't want to upset Mum and I took advantage . ’
19 But mainly because he did n't like the place and believed that he did n't like Italians .
20 Watching him secretly from under her lashes , she revelled in his evident pleasure , and could n't help wondering whether he was driving so smoothly because he did n't want to wake her … or because he always drove like a man making love .
21 All that was easy to believe now , it was easy to imagine the drunkenness , and Timothy Gedge letting the facts slip out because he did n't care , because he 'd find it enjoyable , even better than going to a funeral .
22 ‘ He used to play rugby but he does n't play now because he does n't like it anymore .
23 He was going to leave anyway and we 've had a succession of drummers really because he did n't play on the first single .
24 This was n't because he did n't care for a hardship see , or because the malais had intimidated him .
25 The motorist is driving too fast because he does n't expect any children , or he expects them to be careful ’
26 Speed came on for White and did n't seem to have many problems although that 's prob- ably because he did n't touch the ball much .
27 He would n't tell me what was going on down there because he did n't want to worry me as far as the safety conditions at that particular mine .
28 How does a man even try to explain that he is falling apart because he does n't kill people any more ?
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