Example sentences of "[adv] when he [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But our poetry started to flow again , though now it was he who distributed the favours : there was no call for him now to bribe me with sex , so this aspect of our relationship was something he kept under tight control , allowing sexual contact only when he felt like it and not just when I wanted it , as in the past .
2 He used to help out now and again , but only when he felt like it .
3 ‘ Indeed , if Aristotle was a master of the art and handed his philosophy down to us very carefully , should n't he have proven everything in the most perfect form , especially when he insisted upon it himself — unless perhaps he intended to make fun of us ? ’
4 At the very beginning I took it really personally when he yelled at me , ‘ Get me that , ’ but I quickly realised he has a lot on his mind during the show .
5 So when he jumps into her , what 's the difference ?
6 So when he turned to her casually in the car , and suggested that they call in at his house for some tea before they parted , Folly found herself leaping on the suggestion with almost indecent haste .
7 Dessie will still have to take it easy when he returns to his stable in Melton Mowbray , Leics .
8 The day after , Jamie came in with the wooden dish of porridge , held it out to Cameron , then twitched it away when he reached for it and turned it upside down .
9 She moved away when he sat near her , went into town to change her library books instead of going home when he invented a string of excuses that would enable him to walk in her direction .
10 O'Leary is in his first season at Saracens , and impressed England coach Dick Best when he scored on his debut for the London Divisional side against the Midlands earlier this month .
11 Nigel always worked best when he drew on his own life .
12 The fact that her stomach no longer turned over when he looked at her came as a surprise and disappointment — even unrequited love was better than no love at all .
13 The widower will receive many more invitations out to meals in other people 's homes in the early days too , and he will have the advantage of never having to feel trapped in the isolation of an empty house in the evenings ; for if his emotional condition after his wife 's death is reasonably steady and he feels the need of company , he can always stroll out to the local pub for a drink , where he can remain in complete control of the amount of conversation he wants , or can endure , and can head for home again just when he feels like it .
14 She did not see Gedge until six weeks later when he arrived at their door after a minor road accident .
15 All of them want the Chancellor , Norman Lamont , to explain his forward thinking clearly when he gets to his feet in the Commons on 16 March .
16 All of them want the Chancellor , Norman Lamont , to explain his forward thinking clearly when he gets to his feet in the Commons on 16 March .
17 He could see it quite clearly when he thought about it .
18 He was abducted by three men and beaten up when he went with his girlfriend to collect clothes from the house where she used to live in Trowbridge , Wilts .
19 Oh I du n no , he comes back when he feels like it .
20 What was even more worrying was that she had never cried and even when he remonstrated with her and told her bluntly that their two children were dead and buried she just smiled and turned away .
21 Strange , even when he looked at his eldest son , whom he knew to resemble her , he could not remember Mary 's face .
22 But that was a long time ago when he lived on his father 's stud farm in Ireland .
23 Half the squadron had a go at Woolley , popping off a couple of rounds in his general direction and then having to dive away fast when he swung towards them .
24 And my goal was to bring him around to my way of thinking ; there 's no question that I stopped fooling around when he agreed with me .
25 Barnbrook Again was unbeaten last season and there was something radically amiss when he fell on his reappearance at Kempton for which there has never been a satisfactory explanation .
26 She had nearly told him she would n't be there when he came for her .
27 It might not be important but it would be helpful to have you there when he talks to his parents .
28 And it was n't even from my constituency it was widely from the Leicestershire and coming back to our , our friend there Doctor er , I do n't know what was the name there when he mentioned about what 's the name ?
29 Tranmere were restricted to the occasional breakaway which usually ended with an offside decision and Nixon came to their rescue again when he swooped to his right to hold Wright 's shot .
30 In 1090 the lord of Montpellier exploited it even more successfully when he rose against his lord , the bishop of Maguelonne ; worried by William 's defection , the bishop bribed him back into the episcopal mouvance by extending his fief .
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