Example sentences of "[adv] what he have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And when the great gentleman detective got hold of the village postman and subjected him to an interrogation which ranged from what he had eaten for breakfast to whether or not he possessed a wireless set and if so what he had listened to on the previous morning , Sergeant Bramble maintained a stoic countenance .
2 So what he 's done with it I do n't know
3 He was diffident , seemingly vague , declaring a lack of knowledge and ignorance of education and of teaching , and that he knew only what he had learned through his own work as a painter .
4 This was not what he had wanted at all .
5 Getting her jeans off in two seconds flat in a stable was not what he had visualized for her .
6 Angy had been stabbed in the throat and that 's exactly what he 'd done to her portrait … he was afraid that would all come out and everyone would think he 'd done it . ’
7 His sermon on the primacy of Peter ( which mirrored exactly what he had said on the subject in a tract written before he became pope , " De primatu Romani pontificis " ) explored the authority by which the pope governed , the Petrine commission .
8 But he wondered if Jessamy would ever forgive him when she found out what he had done in order to try and achieve it .
9 Art had always tried to give back what he had gained in life , he felt grateful for what he felt he had to be given , some said he 'd achieved a great deal , but in his heart he felt fate had dealt him with him gently and you have to make the most of the lo of the card life deals you .
10 ‘ Pettigrew and I are going for a stroll , ’ said Mark , who had been finding the atmosphere of the tea room rather oppressive and not really what he had come to Rome for .
11 Nor could he even remember now what he had said in that burst of spleen .
12 I do n't now what he 's done to it .
13 This was n't what he 'd planned at all , a detour .
14 The Major began to feel that Onyx Muggeridge was not quite what he had come to a Parents ' Evening for , and was quite grateful when the headmaster disengaged himself with palpable reluctance from the Fromes and sailed in his direction , exuding Manner .
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