Example sentences of "[adv] been [adj] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Here again Suger was reasserting royal supremacy in a world which had long been deaf to such claims .
2 As we have seen , repeal feminists had not been opposed to moral disciplining but they had promoted it through the more ‘ feminine ’ domain of voluntary agencies , attacking the statist solutions of male professionals .
3 The contract included limits for external financing which had not been subject to overall control previously , and set RENFE a variety of financial objectives including a reduction in its call on state funds .
4 These three fungicides are already on a UK Ministry of Agriculture ( MAFF ) list of 100 pesticides up for review , that have not been subject to modern tests .
5 He described it as " regrettable " that positions taken in the UN Security Council by the EC 's two permanent Security Council members — the UK and France — had not been subject to prior agreement among the 12 EC members .
6 The domestic banking system has ( since the early 1980s ) been completely free of formal restrictions on the supply of credit and has not been subject to reserve requirements .
7 The market for top quality works by Matisse has not been subject to speculative buying , according to David Nash , head of Sotheby 's New York Impressionist Department .
8 The obvious highlight was Couples 's first major victory in the U.S Masters and the 33-year-old conceded : ‘ I 've not been close to that form since . ’
9 Additionally the political atmosphere has not been conducive to encouraging oil companies to engage in active exploration and development though this still continues despite the pull-out of Exxon and Mobil .
10 Time has not been kind to this view either .
11 If open hostilities have not commenced with the Nez Perce it is not because they have not been outraged to that degree when ‘ forbearance ceases to be a virtue . ’
12 Since Schoenberg 's day , modernism has has not been averse to self-serving diatribes .
13 Indeed , such progress has not been common to all publishers — some still produce little more than typesetting tapes with cryptic codes labelling the various components of each entry , and little or no accompanying software or documentation for their search or extraction .
14 Evaluation of its performance is hazardous because it has not generally been subject to commercial practices and norms [ Pryke , 1981 ] .
15 Second , the occurrence of a strong global correlation between GNP and temperature does not necessarily mean that a cooler , more seasonal climate inherently favours socio-economic development ; it is arguable that such a relationship could be a fortuitous consequence of the high-latitude origins of modern industrialization , with that situation subsequently maintained by political and financial structures that have generally been disadvantageous to tropical nations .
16 The open fields themselves had always been subject to piecemeal enclosure , even as early as the fourteenth century .
17 Despite the inherent difficulties in comparative work it has been argued that an international perspective has always been implicit to some extent in the study of industrial relations .
18 Great-Aunt Alicia had always been susceptible to good-looking men , Sara reflected , and then had to admit to herself , but never feeble-minded about them .
19 Yet Christianity is a religion that has always been open to rational criticism when its critics have been granted the freedom to make their challenge known .
20 Uniforms have always been attractive to certain women , and the flame-retardant overalls have become pretty much a uniform .
21 Institutions that train teachers have traditionally been sensitive to social need , and , through the controlling agency of public bodies , they have been quickly responsive to it .
22 and wild beyond er , that one boy who was and had n't been used to that sort of thing , for his father had kept a small cook stock his companion that unless he has another basin of gruel he was afraid he might , he might some night happen to eat , eat the boy he slept next to , who happened to be a weakly youth of tender eight and they , and they impeccably believed him .
23 Deem gives the example of cuts in teacher training , which had the effect of reducing the opportunities that had previously been available to large numbers of girls who had been considered by their teachers to be , as they put it to Michelle Stanworth , ‘ not university material ’ .
24 By means of the co-operatives patients who had previously been subject to institutional peonage — payment of token wages in exchange for hospital work — have been able to earn wages comparable with those in the wider economy .
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