Example sentences of "[adv] if [pron] [vb base] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps if you hear a thing told often enough , it makes it true .
2 Perhaps if I ring the number the person who answers will know who I am .
3 The monotony is relieved somewhat if you have the opportunity to talk to a fellow traveller who feels the same about long train journeys , then you have something in common besides moaning about the rigours of train travel .
4 ‘ Sharon , sweetheart , I hope you wo n't mind terribly if I take the passenger seat ? ’
5 Each proprietary brand of locator has its accompanying transmitter and it must be said that in all four instances these work better if you use the manufacturer 's pairing rather than permutating among the ones available .
6 This may be difficult at home but you will work better if you have a desk in a room where you can do uninterrupted work .
7 Over and above that , obviously this is where the advantage to the policy holder comes in because obviously if they get a gearbox problem that 's going to cost , say , a hundred and eighty pounds in six months time , they 're not going to be able to go back to the dealer and say look I want you to put this right for me , because obviously it is outside the statutory guarantee .
8 Meanwhile the car needs repairsing and the garage says they 'll waive the five hundred pound storage bill but only if they get the job .
9 A directorate and management will succeed only if they have the trust of those with whom they work — the need to develop a common involvement is important .
10 Some people face doubt only if they find no answer ; others trigger doubts merely by raising questions .
11 At the time of signing , ratifying or acceding to this Protocol a State may declare that it will process the Letters rogatory to which this article applies only if they identify the relationship between the evidence or information requested and the pending proceeding .
12 Magazines are allowed to show a man 's naughty bits only if they resemble a map of the Mull of Kintyre , Scots-born Pauline explained .
13 The sceptic , it is argued , may well concede that the conceptual scheme that we use and rely on makes sense only if we posit the possibility of re-identifiable particulars , while at the same time insisting that no proof can be supplied of their actual existence .
14 Use of naturalistic information is wholly disallowed only if there can be some settlable choice of cognitive methods where all of our naturalistic information is available only if we resolve the choice in one of the possible ways .
15 Only if we pull the deal off . ’
16 The micro-processor , enabling previously labour-intensive work to be carried out by robots , will give us greater leisure ; the leisure industry is labour-intensive ; therefore , paradoxically , instead of reducing the number of jobs , the micro-processor has actually given us the potential to create more careers than it destroys — but only if we plan the leisure it gives us in a comprehensive and professional way .
17 We can deal with mass unemployment on this scale only if we have a Government who are determined to do so , and we can deal with it better if , internationally , Governments are determined to do so .
18 Whenever anyone , Y , is in a position to say , ‘ X is φ ’ on account of what he sees , drawing no inferences , and not lying , then it is true to say that X appears to him to be φ , even if it goes against our linguistic practice of saying , ‘ X appears to Y to be φ ’ only if we have a reason not to say , ‘ X is φ ’ .
19 The growth of ethology can continue only if we find a way of talking about human experience that opens the whole range of the activities of men and women to inspection .
20 They stand an equal chance only if you get the price right .
21 Only if you use an ashtray .
22 But only if you know the market well enough to avoid the pitfalls .
23 It 's only if you do an emergency start and shoot off the road at high speed , which vans are n't capable of .
24 They had in fact stationed themselves in front of the doors which were the kind which open only if you press a button either from outside or inside .
25 Also , there are instructors with the Minister of Industry of Bangkok who teach machine knitting , but they teach only if you have a group of ten or more .
26 Only if the whole person is engaged , he wrote , only if you have the sense that the truth , in however paradoxical a form , is on your side , that reality , no matter how disguised , is what you are working towards , only then will Proteus be defeated .
27 ‘ It 'll be safe enough if they sandbag the whole of the promenade , though , wo n't it ? ’
28 So if we get an idea to do something for the residents we do not need to go through endless red tape in order to get it done .
29 So if we make a list of what we 've got when you have a video night , if you or , or somebody else has the video list , you can say , well if you bring them back
30 So if we take the Ship away , there wo n't be any hope or them . ’
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