Example sentences of "[adv] if [pron] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps if everybody had a stake in the business , they would work better , ’ said Robyn .
2 Some rather nice experiments were carried out , perhaps in the Forties and Fifties , by Uray and Miller , who thought that the early atmosphere mainly contained methane , water and ammonia , mainly hydrogenated species which were thermodynamically stable , and they thought that perhaps if one put a discharge or if volcanic processes could actually inject energy into such a system and form the more complicated and more energetic molecules required for biology to actually get started .
3 they are now , perhaps if you had a word with them
4 Perhaps if you had a child … ’
5 Perhaps if you hear a thing told often enough , it makes it true .
6 ( Perhaps if I knew the language , I would not have time for these facile analogies . )
7 Perhaps if I found a partner
8 Perhaps if I ring the number the person who answers will know who I am .
9 Perhaps if I fellated the gentleman , would that prove my true Gallic blood ? ’
10 Perhaps if he seized the moment , lifted her long mane of hair , kissed the tender little place where the fragile bones disappeared into the collar of her jacket …
11 Perhaps if he wrecked the thermostat , someone would think it worth putting a little pressure on their British friends .
12 Perhaps if someone invented a time machine ( almost certainly a scientific impossibility ) archaeologists would have the satisfaction of being able to prove and disprove each other 's theories ; failing that , we have to accept that the science of the distant past is a matter of informed deduction and , let us face it , guesswork .
13 The monotony is relieved somewhat if you have the opportunity to talk to a fellow traveller who feels the same about long train journeys , then you have something in common besides moaning about the rigours of train travel .
14 ‘ Sharon , sweetheart , I hope you wo n't mind terribly if I take the passenger seat ? ’
15 Each proprietary brand of locator has its accompanying transmitter and it must be said that in all four instances these work better if you use the manufacturer 's pairing rather than permutating among the ones available .
16 This may be difficult at home but you will work better if you have a desk in a room where you can do uninterrupted work .
17 You must not worry too much if she seems a bit depressed during the first few months , instead of being a ‘ sweet and grateful granny ’ .
18 Over and above that , obviously this is where the advantage to the policy holder comes in because obviously if they get a gearbox problem that 's going to cost , say , a hundred and eighty pounds in six months time , they 're not going to be able to go back to the dealer and say look I want you to put this right for me , because obviously it is outside the statutory guarantee .
19 Obviously if you did a course in engineering or modern languages and you are going for a job where these skills are required it should not be difficult to explain that this is what positively interests you and you chose the subject because you wanted to go on to employment in the same field .
20 Cos obviously if you having an operation they 've got this tube down your throat and your mouth starts filling up with saliva , they 've got to suck it out .
21 Moreover , landlords were restrained by the knowledge that they would attract good tenants only if they had a reputation for fairness .
22 They were asked to participate only if they had no history of gastrointestinal diseases or abdominal surgery other than appendectomy , and if they had no symptoms that could be attributed to gastrintestinal motility disorders .
23 Meanwhile the car needs repairsing and the garage says they 'll waive the five hundred pound storage bill but only if they get the job .
24 Although judges were appointed by the authorities at the remaining levels ( circuit courts , judicial tribunals , and the Senate , which acted as a court of appeal ) , they could be dismissed only if they broke the law themselves .
25 A directorate and management will succeed only if they have the trust of those with whom they work — the need to develop a common involvement is important .
26 Some people face doubt only if they find no answer ; others trigger doubts merely by raising questions .
27 At the time of signing , ratifying or acceding to this Protocol a State may declare that it will process the Letters rogatory to which this article applies only if they identify the relationship between the evidence or information requested and the pending proceeding .
28 Magazines are allowed to show a man 's naughty bits only if they resemble a map of the Mull of Kintyre , Scots-born Pauline explained .
29 Women were permitted corsets only if they used no force to preserve the shape .
30 The sceptic , it is argued , may well concede that the conceptual scheme that we use and rely on makes sense only if we posit the possibility of re-identifiable particulars , while at the same time insisting that no proof can be supplied of their actual existence .
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