Example sentences of "[adv] been a [noun] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst numbers of full-time farmers had fallen by 28% in the past ten years there had only been an 8% reduction in the number of part-time farmers .
2 This region has long been a spawning ground for Croat hotheads who dream of annexing this area to Croatia .
3 Gregory Butler has long been a field leader in this domain .
4 Banbury had long been a market town of importance , and acquired a modest industrial capacity in the nineteenth century .
5 Since she had not been a UK resident for longer than 3 yrs , you had kindly found a policy which charged ‘ only' £14 extra .
6 The entire episode might have gone unnoticed had there not been a routine monitoring of the base communications tapes last week .
7 Lord Cameron came to the conclusion that there had not been a baton charge in Duke Street but that many policemen had drawn their batons individually and when ordered to disperse the march , had then used them indiscriminately .
8 Bureaucratic power has thus been a reference point for many outside observers of the Soviet Union , in particular , in their attempts to identify the distinctive nature of communist political systems ( Lane 1978 , Ch. 6 ) .
9 To lighten the proceedings he told us of an incident some years ago when there had still been a whaling station in the town .
10 Rivers have always been a dumping ground for man 's unwanted waste .
11 Macros have always been a core part of WordPerfect .
12 Adrian Blackman is a worker and a trier , of whom no one could ask more , but there has always been a question mark over his speed and flexibility .
13 Although Monica was brought up in London , she has always been a country girl at heart .
14 BOYS ' Brigade football has always been a breeding ground for talent and the proof will be on parade at Seaview on Tuesday night .
15 Munich , the metropolis at the heart of Europe , has always been a meeting place for international experts and decision-makers .
16 From the time of the first Slav settlements in the seventh century until the Second World War Macedonia has always been a meeting place of contrasting cultures and a cockpit of rival political ambitions .
17 At a point on the coast called Sand-le-Mere is a small area of dune which has always been a danger point from incursion from the sea .
18 They had always been a task force in their own right and had a head start in this respect with their trained crews specialising in interceptions at sea and rummage duties , traditional skills which could now be deployed more swiftly and utilised more efficiently by use of new radio equipment and position finding navigational aids such as radar and Decca Navigators .
19 She had n't deserved their kindness , their good wishes — she 'd hardly been a boon companion of late .
20 The churchyard around it has probably been a burial place for 1000 years .
21 She has now been a ticket collector for more than 15 years and has won a radio and a newspaper award for her personality and popularity with passengers .
22 ‘ There has n't been a pop band since Duran Duran and Wham ! who wrote their own material and had their own points of view . ’
23 What had previously been a safety valve for German economic change now assumed the aspect of a threat to an already shaken German identity and sense of purpose in the world .
24 If you have , for example , never been a telephone subscriber before ( that is , even if you have had communal use of a telephone but it was not in your name ) you will have to pay a new subscriber charge plus a connection charge .
25 Hoskins says that he 's never been a dab hand at the Mario video games despite tutoring from his seven-year-old son , Jack .
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