Example sentences of "[adv] she [vb mod] [vb infin] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now suddenly she could feel the pleasure such imaginings had aroused uncurling in a warm spiral in the pit of her stomach .
2 If only she could fit the jigsaw together and get a clear picture of this man who so intrigued her .
3 ‘ She 's got a lot of talent , you know Jack , if only she could find an outlet for it .
4 If only she could get a look , see what they were up to …
5 Naturally she will stay the night , ’ he murmured , a laughing note in his voice as they waved her mother into the mini-cab to join her waiting friend .
6 Rain worried how long she would bear the bruises , whether it would still be cold enough in London for her to wear high-necked sweaters when she got back .
7 Perhaps she 'll have an idea . ’
8 Or perhaps she would paint a picture of Oliver and it would be hung in the National Gallery and everyone would come and look at it and weep because it was so beautiful .
9 Perhaps she would cancel the wedding , would say to Syl , ‘ You can not marry my daughter .
10 Perhaps she would get the chance later to talk to him about the ledgers .
11 Sometimes I saw her there , singing or talking quietly to herself , and I thought perhaps she could see the people in her secret world of Gondal , and was talking to them .
12 Perhaps she could try the truth on him now .
13 Perhaps she should sleep a while , and recover some more .
14 Perhaps she should engineer a meeting with Veronica ?
15 Perhaps she should read the magazines , Woman 's World , Woman 's Weekly and the Woman 's Journal , like her mother did .
16 With the greatest respect to the hon. Lady , perhaps she should read the Confederation of British Industry 's recent publication , ’ Modern Manufacturing Strength ’ .
17 Perhaps she should see a doctor if she is feeling particularly stressed out .
18 Perhaps she should buy a copy of Spare Rib , and see if it still carried adverts for consciousness-raising groups .
19 Though Ms Armstrong is intelligent and good at her job , perhaps she should join a chorus line instead .
20 Perhaps she 'd slide a copy of Oliver Twist into the bread bin and have a chinwag about good old Charles with her toast .
21 At six months old , she 's already visited three mills — perhaps she will attend a formulation meeting by the time she 's two ?
22 There were so many ways in which she could help , and by doing so she might mitigate the fears which crowded upon her when dusk fell .
23 So she 'd see a sheep in wolf 's clothing
24 If she looked down she could see the wilderness that was this house 's garden .
25 Look at her all sweet and innocent , and when I turn away she 'll nick a chip I can see you sit down !
26 For a while longer she could let the world drift by .
27 Far above she could hear the leaves whispering in the currents of Undersea .
28 Tonight she will attend the midnight mass in the tiny church in Great Brington .
29 Well , for tonight she 'd play the game by his rules — up to a certain point .
30 Already she could visualise the lay-out — ‘ The Other Side of Fashion ’ she 'd entitled it in her mind 's eye when she 'd discussed it with Nick .
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