Example sentences of "[adv] they have [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The pretenders became genuine contenders by showing how much they have grown up as a team .
2 She wondered if the others were playing a joke on her : perhaps they 'd gone out for a walk ; perhaps , at this very moment , they were laughing at the thought of her waiting for a killer who would never come .
3 Do you think perhap , erm , because it 's not so busy , do you think perhaps they 've cut back in the restaurant , and that 's why you 're doing a bit more work for the restaurant , you know , doing the floaters and things .
4 I think that the issue really is erm are there ways in which perhaps they could be helped to do this more productively , and are there ways in which they could be helped to do this rather more collaboratively than perhaps they have done so in the past ?
5 So he had lowered himself to sit beside her and together they had stared wordlessly towards the horizon .
6 When audits have gone beyond counting activity alone they have focused mainly on blood glucose concentration as a proxy measure of outcome .
7 The production team , which again included writers Robert Lord and Abem Finkel , had made a film which depoliticized the Legion by making its motive force sheer racketeering rather than political control and by making the violence and executions personal rather than political but nevertheless they had come up with a realistic depiction of how a weak man could be drawn into a recognizably Fascist organization .
8 Unconsciously they had moved together as if for support .
9 Turns out they 've done damn-all since Flannan Isle in the First Year .
10 that are grumbling cos they 've come down , but really they 've come down to the same level as
11 Now they 've gone off to other groups handing out food , like Food for Work and the Mothers ' Clubs where they do weaving and knitting and things like that . ’
12 But now they 've come up with two original-design guitars .
13 Now they 've come up with a guide aimed at bringing sufferers out of the shadows .
14 The Scottish pressure on ball won by the Welsh was superb and this really indicated how far they have come on since the match against the Italians .
15 It is also how one must determine whether others have acted well or not , so far as externals go , though how far they have acted well in a proper inward sense , that is , how far they have been truly guided by the categorical imperative , rather than by the calculations of self interest , is hidden away in the depths of their being , hidden perhaps even from themselves .
16 So far they have got away with their high-pressure selling techniques and the only people who have lost out have been the customers who were faced with massive charges they had neither understood nor anticipated .
17 Indeed , if anything , spiritually they had become closer over the past seven years .
18 Often they 've fallen out with family and have nowhere to live .
19 How often they 'd driven there in Frank 's car , towing the double trailer behind them , excited by the prospect of a day 's hunting with the Meath .
20 Slowly but inevitably they had drifted back into a loving relationship , culminating three months ago in their engagement .
21 Luckily they had arrived just in time .
22 And very well they 've done out of it , too .
23 Well they 've gone up since then .
24 anyway , it , it , what happened was that , you see the Irish it was a funny set-up because the Irish people were responsible for the erection of the , and the supply of everything , well they 've gone out of
25 Well they 've come up with a lot of theories have n't they .
26 They simply had not realised how well they had done out of changes in Europe 's common agricultural policy .
27 and , and if she 's already scared of his temper and they 've not even lived together , well they have lived together for quite a while actually so I mean it 's not like they do n't know each other but once they 're married and they 've been married for a couple of years I reckon , and he starts thinking of her more as a possession sort of thing I can , I can really imagine
28 Under s16 of the Legal Aid Act 1988 , if the Legal Aid Board suffers a deficiency in respect of an assisted person 's proceedings ( ie they have paid more to the assisted person 's legal advisers than they have received by way of costs from the other side and from contributions paid ) the statutory charge may attach to money or property " recovered " or " preserved " that has been " in issue " in the course of proceedings .
29 I rue the day these wretched Titfords ever came to live down here — could n't they have stayed over in Wilmington Square ?
30 Camille accused herself of lack of foresight and rapidly made up a yarn whereby they had thought better of the dinner-party and had spent the evening playing Monopoly at Tim 's place in a blameless fashion .
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