Example sentences of "[adv] with [pron] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not always content to watch from the sidelines , some of them have joined in with their more confident brand of anti-lesbianism .
2 Access to Tiree is not easy from Inverness but there was an opportunity before Loganair adopted their Summer flight schedules in April and this enabled me to link Scarinish in with my more regular Lewis/Uist/Barra trip .
3 But she coaxed him along with her unwaveringly sympathetic smile , and he ordered everyone to dismantle the tables and re-set them .
4 Along with his intensely loyal family he struggles hard to achieve downward mobility .
5 In 1975 , he helped to found a new anti-EEC party , Scottish Conservatives Against the Treaty of Rome , and was appointed an honorary vice-president along with his then fellow Scottish Tory MP , Teddy Taylor ,
6 The inevitable long loose mackintosh and knitted scarf were in evidence , which along with his totally bald head had long made Sammy the victim of local humour .
7 Lastly , the opponents of drainage schemes have long complained about the secrecy with which the Ministry of Agriculture and the water authorities have shrouded their calculations , together with their almost universal resistance to public inquiries , which are now a normal part of the process of consultation preceding road and reservoir schemes .
8 This new legislation adds substantially to the armoury of pre-publication censorship , and together with our more traditional legislation of post-publication censorship , forms a disarming net around freedom of expression .
9 His industry was prodigious and he left to the Museum a volume of files , indexes , and notebooks filled with accurate and methodically arranged taxonomic work , together with his exceptionally fine library of works on Polyzoa and whales .
10 It took them half the time to get Kevin out to the Murphy cart than it took to get Liam sobered up again and it was Nellie who finally drove the cart away with its very full load .
11 VBS used to give Output Manager away with their somewhat quirky VB No5 program but now seem to be spending more time developing the Output Manager rather than No5 !
12 Thus with their typically lower pay ( see Susan Lonsdale 's chapter in this volume ) and lower lifetime earnings compared with men , the average woman ends up with a lower salary or wage on which to base her final salary for the purposes of working out occupational pension entitlements .
13 Birds of prey are animal hunters and most catch their prey alive , killing it quickly with their specially strong feet or talons , and if necessary tearing it into smaller pieces to swallow .
14 He stood with his hands in his pockets and she realised she had been so taken up with her seemingly childish pursuit that she had not even heard the car arrive .
15 He finally caught up with her about thirty yards away from the pond .
16 Ross started the first ever Bitches Rodeo in 1988 and Lesley followed the next year , paddling poorly in the small ladies ' competition but meeting up with her now great friend and rival , Mandy Castle .
17 My idea — I admit that I came up with it only this morning — is that the entire transaction involving the definition of the terms of reference for the study for the consultants should then become public property and not an enclosed relationship with the promoters .
18 They sent him along to vacuum the carpets , but he wound up with his very own theatre to practice in .
19 But Gimenez was simply a moving target , a straight man for Eubank to humiliate both with his occasionally delightful boxing and his outrageous showboating .
20 The only possible explanation is that it is employed by mother cats when out with their nearly fully-grown kittens , to help focus their attention on potential prey , as part of a general hunt-training process .
21 She ran a hand over her hair , arranged the shawl so that it covered both her and the baby , and went out with her long resolute stride ; she had recovered quickly from this birth .
22 He also came kitted out with his very own soundtrack theme , a funk-filled affair crafted by Isaac Hayes , that made everyone aware of his presence .
23 But they did n't see Jackie all day and he did n't come back with them again that night .
24 At that time , athletics was more genuinely an amateur sport , less the ‘ invisible ’ crock of gold it is today with its often overt forms of ‘ shamateurism ’ .
25 The Careers and Appointment Services does that very well with its very professional fairs .
26 Because the parts , early on , are so small , he thought that they could not be observed , even with his most powerful microscope .
27 In angry self-reproach , Louisa saw how much sooner it should have been evident to her that in identifying so completely with his most noble ancestor , her father had been at pains to exclude all thought of his more immediate and darker legacy .
28 Then I went to Cambridge , and fell in love all over again with its more flaunting charms .
29 Yet with their very first attack , the visitors struck a cruel blow .
30 ‘ We have often smiled , ’ he wrote , ‘ at the earnestness with which he advocated his project for girdling London round with one long drain-like tunnel … ’
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